Emison: The feelings

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Emily and Hanna arrive at school, after long hours of studying for English. well, you couldn't really call it studying, it was more of a "Hanna annoying Emily while she is studying thing."

Emily and Hanna walk towards their locker, Emily sees Alison. Alison is one of their best friends and also the hottest and most popular girl at school. Emily has a huge crush on Ali, the only person that knows about it is Hanna. " Emily, you need to talk to her sometime and fess up your feelings for her" She says loudly. "Hanna shut up! She might hear you" says Emily annoyed.

Alison is standing at her locker talking to Chad, a hockey player first class and not to forget a total hottie. Her and Chad have been dating for 3 weeks now, Emily can't stop thinking about how Alison and Chad may get married later and have children, and be happy.

Em wants Alison for herself, no one loves Alison more than Emily. Emily dreams away staring at Ali.

" Emily, Emily!" Emily shakes her head. " Yes what is it Hanna?" Are you even listening to what I'm saying? " Emily looks confused to Hanna.

suddenly Alison interrupts the conversation " Hi guys! What's up?" "Nothing, Nothing " Emily says.

Alison gives Emily a look " You look very pretty today Em! " Emily blushes. "I really don't, thanks though.. " No you really do! "

Emily looks at her outfit. Those white shoes with the Black pants are fine, but than you have that Worn out T-Shirt with a moustache on it..

But Emily just agrees with Alison " Thanks Alison! You look also very beautiful today, Love your Nail polish, is it new?"

Emily wanted to say " Love your everything" But that would've been too obvious..

But Emily doesn't get allot of time to think about how beautiful Alison looks today, cause there come Spencer and Aria.

"Are you all prepared for that English test?" Spencer asks them really excited. "I'm sorry? English test? " Yes Ali, didn't you study? " Emily says concerned. "No.. I'm so bad in English.." I can help you study if you like?" Alison Smiles. "I would love to, is today okay for you?" Yes off course, Today is perfect!"

it's 9:45 AM.

Emily and Alison have been studying for hours now. " Can we please take a break Emily? " Yes, okay." Alison runs to the toilet downstairs.

Emily grabs her phone and sees she's got a text from Hanna saying * You've got your chance to tell her! It's now or never! You can do this *

Emily is doubting, she's been in love with Alison since the day she first saw Alison. And the two of them have become very good friends over the years. She could loose everything. But than again, if Alison reacts on those feelings it would change allot. And it would make Emily so happy.

Em's heart skipped a beat when Alison entered her bedroom again. "So.. What are we gonna do now? " Alison asks. " I don't know.. Do you wanna watch a movie or maybe Gossip Girl? " Oh Em, there's only so much Gossip Girl I can take, Let's watch a movie "

Emily steps to her DVD "collection" Uhmm.. Which one? I've got so much" Have you got that horror movie with Daniel Radcliffe?" You mean The Woman In Black? " Yes, That one is great!" Emily puts in the DVD, Closes the Window and Presses play.

Emily wanted to watch a romantic movie, that would be perfect to make a move. But she was fine with a horror, that way Emily could snuggle with Alison, if she was scared ( Or pretending to be scared ). Emily is sitting at the other side of the bed now. Thinking about what she should do next.

*Bzzz* Her phone keeps buzzing. Hanna keeps texting her " This is the time" or things like " You can do this". Emily is really nervous right now. " Emily, why are you sitting so far?" Alison asks. "i just.. wanna be close to my plant.. " Emily grabs her plant that's made out of plastic and smiles awkwardly to Alison. " Now don't be silly, come sit here with me." Emily goes to Alison and sits next to her, she leaves a little space between her and Ali, so she is sure nothing happens.

They watch the movie, Emily is not paying attention to the movie at all. She keeps thinking about the things Hanna said. This is one of those chances she may never get ever again.

Hanna is right, but Emily is shy. She can't just get up and say " Ali I love you" without any preparations.

Alison grabbed Emily " ooh Em, this part is so scary.." Emily starts to blush and stutters " Yeah, this is really scary" Alison is still holding Emily. Until the movie ended Alison kept holding Emily.

Em has had enough of the doubt's and the feelings she has been hiding for years now. Emily stands up and turns off the TV. " Look Ali, there is something I wanna say to you" She said Shy. " Alison stands up. "What is it Em?"

Look, it's not something I wanted to happen and I don't expect anything to come from it... - Do you have feelings for me Em? " Emily looks shocked. There is an awkward silence between the two of than but than Emily breaks it

" How did you know?"

"I saw the way you looked at me" Ali said.

" Don't you think it's.. weird?"

Alison Grabs Emily at her waist, and whispers " No not at all" and starts kissing Emily passionately.

" Look Em, I've loved you. I've always loved you. And I been wanting to kiss you from the moment we met"

Alison pushes Em on the bed " Shy on the streets sexy under the sheets, remember?"

They start making out, Alison wants to unzip Emily's dress. " Wait, Emily said "

Emison: The feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now