Emison: The First Time

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"I don't want our first time just to be in a room, without any candles or roses.. If you know what I mean."

"Yes, I do. but the only thing we need is just us, and our love for each other, right?"

"Yes that's true, but still can we wait for a bit longer?"

"Yes, if that's really what you want, than we'll wait. but I still love you." Said Alison with a disappointed voice.

" Can we meet again tomorrow?" Emily asked hopeful.

" Yes off course, Only if you promise me one thing?" Alison asked.

" What is it, Ali?"

" Before you go, Give me a kiss"

Emily walked towards Alison with eyes full of desire. She grabs Ali at her waist and kisses her passionately. " See you tomorrow" she whispers into Ali's ear.

Alison walks out of the room and Emily can't stop looking at her beautiful walk. Ali's is that kinda person that can do anything, and still stay beautiful.

Alison quickly walks back in and gives Emily a final kiss on her forehead. " I love you " she says. And walks out again.

Emily is in the clouds, she always wanted this to happen. She is the only person that cares about Alison, more than she cares about her own life.

Emison: The feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now