Emison: Lies

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Emily was standing next to her closet, Looking at all her dresses.

Alison liked the blue one so she decided to wear that one, with her black high heels.

She putted on some mascara and red lipstick.

Emily looked gorgeous now.

It was 6 pm and she couldn't wait till she saw Ali.

" I should go and buy some flowers for her, I hope the flower shop is still open" Emily thought while she walked outside.

She walked down this creepy street. People were taking drugs there, as always. The most dangerous street in town and Emily was walking trough it looking all sexy, but she made it out alive.

The flower shop was still open, Emily walked into the shop as she suddenly sees Aria stand there too. She wanted to walk out before Aria saw her, but that was too late

"Emily?" Aria asked.

" Yeah it's me" Emily said like she had just been busted at stealing some flowers.

" Wow, why are you looking like that, you look hot!" Aria said surprised.

" oh, so you wanna say I normally don't look hot? " Emily said with a sarcastic voice.

" No, haha but not that hot." Aria smiled.

Emily looked at Aria, she liked how Aria gave a compliment about her outfit, but than again she kinda took it back with saying she never looked as hot as now.

" where are you going this evening, if you are dressed like that?" Aria asked suspicious.

" Oh, I just wanted to dress up, it's been awhile since I did that, and I was going to buy some flowers for my mom" Emily made up.

" Okay, that's great, so you have time? I'm coming over tonight! I don't want you to be alone "

" Oh you don't have to, I'm just gonna go and watch a movie or something. " Emily said.

But Aria insisted, Emily was feeling bad right now, she couldn't tell Aria who she was gonna meet with, cause she looked all dressed up and Aria might notice she was on a date.

But than again she couldn't stood up Ali, she promised her she's never do that to her.. But she had no choice.

Aria drove Emily home and forced herself inside.

" so, what movie are we gonna watch?" Aria asked as they went to Emily's room.

" I don't know yet, but first I need to make a call, is that okay? " Emily asked.

Emily walked towards the hallway and called Alison.

" Hi babe! " Alison answered the phone.

" Hi.. " Emily said.

" Okay.. What's wrong? "

" I can't come over tonight.." Emily said with a low voice.

" Are you being serious? " Ali asked with an angry voice.

" Look sweetie, I wanted to buy you some flowers, and when I came there, Aria was standing inside and she saw me. I didn't know what to say, she kinda invited herself over, I couldn't tell her I was going to meet you, she would have known it was a date.."

It was quiet for a while. But than Alison started talking again

" I was so looking forward to see you tonight.. But I have a plan, maybe I can stay over? Like we can have a sleepover and than when Aria leaves. We can still be together? "

Emily started smiling immediately when Ali said that.

" yeah! that's a great idea!" Emily said with a joyful voice.

" Okay than I'll see you tonight! " Alison said and she lay down the phone.

Emily was excited and so happy, but she had to act normal, she went to her room and told Aria Alison was coming over later that night. To watch another movie, she didn't say Alison was staying for the night. She didn't need to know.

Aria and Emily started watching the movie Charlie St. Cloud, with Zac Efron. Aria loved Zac, and Emily didn't have a problem with the fact there were no hot girls in the movie, cause her Ali was coming over to comfort her anyways.

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