11: Don't Chase Me

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Chapter 11: Don’t Chase Me

I took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror quickly and I looked like such a mess.

I shook my head and took the box from my hands and opened it. I pulled out the stick and did my thing. After I paced the bathroom until I saw the answer written clear on it.

“Mitch” I called loudly.

Mitch was inside the bathroom in a second “what does it say?” he asked.

“Negative” I said with a sigh of relief.

He brought me into his arms and lifted me off the ground hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we stayed that way for a while.

Until he pulled back abruptly and stuck his head high in the air. It was almost like he was smelling something…

“Chrystal” I heard Nathan calling my name.

I looked to Mitch who had his eyes narrowed at the door. This can’t be good! I mean my vampire brother here... now with Mitch here? God, what would he think if he knew?

“You stay here” I said to Mitch and turned for the door.

I was yanked back behind his body “stay here” he stated to me before walking out of the bathroom shutting the door before I could stop him.

I quickly opened the door and saw them ready to fight at each other.

“Stop. That’s just my brother” I mumbled to Mitch.

“Brother?” Mitch said surprised but didn’t take his eyes off Nathan.

“Yeah Nathan meet Mitch, Mitch meet Nathan” I mumbled.

Nathan straightened and his eyes flicked to me. I shrugged and Mitch straightened as well.

“I’m out of here” Mitch said angrily as he pushed past Nathan and out the door. I heard it bang from him slamming it shut.

“Did I interrupt?” Nathan asked pushing his hands into his pockets.

I shook my head and blew out a long breath “nope that was just Mitch being Mitch” I stated.

“What’s in your hands?” Nathan asked.

I looked down and realised I was still holding the pee stick. “Just um…” I trailed off before going to the bathroom and just throwing it in the trash.

“Was that a test…?” Nathan asked from the hall.

I walked out and sighed “yeah” I mumbled.

“Was it…?” he asked pointing to the door.

I shook my head “nope” I said, I knew he was hinting to Mitch.

“Mitch must have been pretty mad” he stated.

I nodded “I don’t even know why he cares. I mean when I first had a conversation with him he said we could never speak to each other again” I stated.

Nathan gave me a small smile “love is war” he stated.

I snorted “love? Mitch doesn’t love me and I don’t love him! I could never love a pig like him” I stated.

He sighed “so what were the results?” he asked.

“Negative” I stated but a small smile came to my face. I mean sure maybe someday I want to be a mother but not today.

“Well that’s good” my brother said happily.

I nodded “yeah, so what’s up?” I asked walking past him and down the stairs to the kitchen.

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