1- A Case

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Hi everybody! I wrote this a year ago along with a few others that I published on FanFiction.net but i dont really use that site anymore so i thought id just put them on here to have them all in one place! again i wrote this a long time ago and its not my best so just a warning but i hope maybe you guys can like it regardless!!!!!!! enjoy! 

SORRY for the short chapters!!!

"Hey, JJ," the brilliant doctor said walking through her office door. "What are you doing here so late on a Saturday night?" It was already 11PM and the rest of the team had left hours ago.

"I should ask you the same thing," she said looking up from the stacks of folders on her desk.

"I was just finishing up some paperwork from the last case. How 'bout you?"

She grunted as she slumped back in her chair, holding an open file in her hands like a book. "There is this case in LA. The lead detective has invited, well more begged, for us to come help him. They have three dead, and one missing. I've been trying to figure out the pattern, if there even is one, and I just can't seem to see any connection between the victims. One black male, late forties; a hispanic woman, 27; a caucasian teen; and now a missing 67 year old male who was living in a retirement community. The victimology and MO of each are different, and I can't tell if it is the same guy, or just a sudden spike of crime in the area. I don't know if we should take it, but then if it is the same person, and he continues killing..."

Spencer walked over and put one hand on her shoulder, and the other reaching for the case file. "Let me take a look."

"Go ahead. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes will find something I'm not."

It took him less than two minutes to go over and examine the file's contents, although he was able to see the connection almost immediately after looking at the crime scene photos, he thought that his ability to come to a conclusion so swiftly might make her feel bad. After indulging in aimlessly over examining the pictures, he explained his theory to her, "You see the knife marks on the first body? They are all diagonal, and create almost a criss-cross pattern across the torso. Then then bullet wounds from the second victim are angled so that they go across the body in the same manner. Then with the teenager, the accelerant is pour carefully so that the flames leave a burn of a similar pattern. I'd say your looking at the same unsub."

She stared at him blankly. "How did the aliens ever let you go? You'd be a real asset on Mars."

"Well where I come from, there are plenty of me. They sent me here to educate you and your inadequate species."


He smiled, for he knew he had won.

Instead of laughing or shaking her head, like he was expecting her to, she held his gaze, her smile slowly fading as she dove deeper into her thoughts.

After a few moments, her lips curled at the sides once more.

"You really are from another planet, Spencer."

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