9- A Confession

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"Hey, Reid. Morgan said you wanted to talk to me."

"Yeah. Um, let's go over here," he said leading her into another office. He closed the door behind him.

"Reid, come on, what is it? I really need to look over the files some more before the briefing."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I just, really need to talk to you about something."

"Okay, shoot."

He tried to dry his hands on his sweater without hinting that his palms were sweating.

"Okay… okay," he cleared his throat. "You and I have been through so much together and, I know how you feel about Lila and me,"

Her cheeks began to turn a deep pink, and she crossed her arms, looking uncomfortable.

"And I am sorry I haven't made it any easier, but—"

She interrupted him before he could finish his thought, "It's okay, Spence. You don't have to say it. I understand." She turned to walk for the door.

"Wait, you didn't let me finish. But, I've decided, she may not be what's best for me, right now. She is great, and I do like her a lot, but we live different lives."

JJ's face lifted as he began to explain.

"She can't… understand me like you can—like you do, Jayje. She's not—she's not you. And, I'm sorry I didn't realize that until n—"

She stepped forwards into his arms, cutting him off. She pulled his head down to hers, and gently kissed his lips. He stood there stunned, but quickly grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her lips were soft against his, moving in perfect coupling with his.

He pulled back to whisper I her ear, "I love you, JJ."

She laughed, brightening up her tear streaked face.

"I love you, too, Spencer."

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