8- A Choice

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Reid looked at Morgan standing in front of him. It was all he could do. He was shocked.

"She—she's in love with me?"

"Yeah, man. She is."

"But—but—but why?"

Morgan looked as if he was about to slap him upside the head.

"Who cares why, right now, man? 'Cause right now your best friend is in that room, heartbroken because she knows how much you care about Lila, and how much she cares about you. Imagine if it was the opposite. If you were in love with her and she had no idea, and you had to watch her fall head over heels for another man, and know there was nothing you could do about it, because if you did you would risk losing everything else you had with her?"

He let the words sink in for a minute, before responding, "So what do I do now?"

"I don't know, man. That depends. How do you feel about that woman in there?"

He had never really thought about JJ, not in that way, not really. He had always just figured there was no chance, no point in viewing her in any other way than a friend. She wasn't just his friend, she was his best friend; his best friend in the world. She was beautiful, and smart, and knew what he was thinking before he did, and could make him feel better after the worst cases. She had always been there for him. Always. Maybe he did like her… could he? Could he even love her?

"If—if I did like her. If I do like her, what would I do?"

"Honestly, if I were you, I'd go to her right now and tell her. But, before you do, you have to think about everything it means. If you really feel that way about her. If you are prepared to be in a relationship. If you are willing to give up Lila."



"Yep. You have to give her up for good if you are going to make this work. Otherwise, you will just hurt her more."

Giving up Lila. He remember the way he felt when she kissed him. The way his stomach fluttered when she was near. How even her presence could brighten his day. Then he thought about JJ. She had always been there for him. She was always the one to make him feel better, who lifted him up when the rest of the world was pulling him down. The way her blonde curls bounced around her ivory cheeks when she walked. How peaceful she looked when she slept on the jet after a long case. How he knew she would give her life for him. How she would do anything for him, how he would do anything for her…

"Will you ask her to come out here?"

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