6- A Morning

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They pulled into the diner parking lot. It was an old fashion, early twentieth century looking diner. It wasn't all new and spotless. It was real. Reid liked that.

They walked through the door, and a brass bell above their head rang to signal the waitress of their arrival. She quickly let them to a booth by the window. They slid in as the waitress asked what they'd like to drink. They both ordered coffee, Reid specifically asking if there were free refills. She then left to give them a chance to decide on what to eat.

"So. What has been going on with Spencer Reid? Give me the full scoop," she said with a big smile.

"Mmm... Not that much. Cases. Serial killers. Stalkers. The usual."

"'Usual'. Funny."

"Hey, if it weren't, I would never have met you."

This caused a big smile to form across her face. "Good point."

Then the waitress came to take their order, and soon their food was there. Spencer sat thinking while eating his eggs. He wanted to talk to her about their relationship, but didn't know how to start or what to say. He decided he should just go for it and see what happens.

JJ walked through the entrance of their motel, still trying to keep her head down from the rest of the team.

How was it that he was the one running around in Los Angeles with his girlfriend while she was moping around a four star motel?

She hated feeling like this; sorry for herself. Feeling alone. Wanting someone to comfort her. Wanting him.

Why did she want him?! Was he really worth of this? It'd certainly be easier to just let him go, and to not care. But she couldn't do that, and she knew it.

Still, she wasn't going to sit around feeling sorry for herself. There was still a lot to do on the case before they met with the local police. At least it was something to distract her.

"Hey, Lila," he said looking up from his plate. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Spence."

"Where do you see us going...?" He was examining her face trying to read what she was thinking.

"Like us? I don't know. I know I like you, and I wanna see you more, but we live on opposite sides of the country. Then again... okay I know it may be crazy, but I have been considering maybe a long-distance relationship, and we could visit on our days off... what do you think?

What did he think? He didn't like long distance relationships, but he did like Lila, and what if this was the only way for him to be with her at the moment? He wanted to say yes... but instead he said, "I'll think about it."

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