Not My Father's Son

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"I'm doing laundry. Does anyone need anything washed?" Cat asked.
"No, I did my laundry yesterday," Phil said.
"I did mine a few days ago. Thanks though," I mumbled.

Phil and I turned our attention back to the TV as Cat went to go do her laundry. A few minutes passed before we heard Cat yell angrily. Phil got up from his seat and ran to the staircase.

"Is everything okay?" Phil asked. "Did you see a mouse or something?"
"No!" She stormed up the steps. "But I found some whores underwear in your washing machine!"

My eyes widened as I got up from the couch.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Phil asked.
"These, you fucking asshole!" She threw the red, lace panties at Phil.
"I have never seen these before in my life. Are you sure they're not yours?"
"Do you think I'd be freaking out if these were mine‽" she screamed. "The fuck are you looking at?" Cat pointed to me.

Tears were welling up in my eyes as I stared at pair of panties. Phil glared at me and looked me up and down—he stopped at my wrist. My sweatshirt sleeves were rolled up and I immediately realized my mistake.

"No..." Phil whispered.

I looked to floor as I pulled my sleeves down. I pursed my lips as tears dripped down my face. I pushed past the two and raced down the stairs.

"I'm not done with you," Cat snapped. "Answer my goddamn questions!"
"Get out of my way." Phil pushed her aside and followed me.
"If you go after him, I won't be here when you get back!"
"Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out!"
"Fine! Good riddance, you fucking fag!"


"Dan!" Phil yelled. "Daniel!"


"Shh, baby, it's okay."

Alex rubbed my back reassuringly as I cuddled him on the couch. I cried into his lap as I clung to him.

"I don't wanna go to work tonight..." I pouted.
"Then don't."
"But I need to money..."
"You also need your clothes, which you don't have."
"Can you get them for me?" I pouted.
"I don't know what you need, honey."
"My pads and makeup are already in the duffle bag. All you need to grab is what you think I'd look cute in."
"Okay, no problem."
"Thank you..."
"I'd do anything for you. You know that."


"Dan, I'm so happy you... oh," Phil frowned. "It's you."
"Yeah, it is," Alex said.
"Why are you here?"
"I need to pick up some of Dan's stuff."
"Wait, is he moving out?"
"As of right now, no. He just needs some stuff for work."

He walked into the flat and headed for my room. He shoved a blonde wig and some random outfit into my work duffle bag before slinging it over his shoulder. He walked back into the hallway and tried to avoid eye contact with Phil.

"Can I talk to him?" Phil asked.
"He has nothing to say to you. Besides, what'd you even do to him?"
"My girlfriend found his underwear in the wash and she thought it was some girls, but apparently it was his and he just ran out."
"I don't really believe you, but I'm just gonna go with it. Dan needs his stuff. I'd say see ya, but I don't really ever want to see your stupid face again."
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"Because you're better for my boyfriend then I am..." he whispered. "Dan needs his stuff..."


"Dan, I got your–oh," he said.

I was curled up with one of the couch pillows and taking a nap. Tear streaks remain on my face—Alex couldn't help but frown. He cleaned up my face and pressed a kiss into my forehead.

I slept through dinner and was eventually woken up by Alex. He had been nudged my shoulder for god knows how long, just so I could wake up for work. I rubbed my eyes until they stung and got off the couch.

"Morning, sleeping beauty. Ready for work?" Alex teased.
"No," I pouted. "But, I gotta go."
"C'mon, I already started the car."
"Ugh, I love you so much."
"I love you too. Let's go, I don't want you being late."

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