The King and The Champion

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Entry Log: Yoxel




Gibidan: So wait, how long have you been following me?

Zakara: 4 months. I had heard of the legends of the scribes from another far away land and that what you were guarding was an Ancient. I now see that it was a man that holds ancient power instead. It was hard to track your movements back to that cavern you avidly visited.

Gibidan: What exactly do you plan on doing with Yoxel exactly?

Zakara: What a peculiar name. We will marry and within time I will bare children who will grow to be strong female warriors for my tribe.

Gibidan: What if they turn out male?

Zakara: You needn't worry yourself with that. In any case, I shall await his arrival and soon afterward we shall wed.

Gibidan: If you say so.

Zakara: what's that supposed to mean?

Gibidan: Exactly as I said now get some sleep, there's no telling how long he's going to be in there.

Zakara: I dont like you...but you make a fair point.

Gibidan: I don't like people who tower over me like a giant, but things happen.

Zakara: *sigh* (Perhaps I should just kill him now, I'm sure his master wouldn't mind.)

Gibidan: *Snores*

Zakara: *Looks at the moon* I haven't much time left....I'm sure they're well on their way.

*Inside the Rock formation*

Yoxel: I didn't expect a battle like this and i've run out of Arrows.


Yoxel: These machines are more than I bargain for and they aren't showing any signs of relenting.

*The machines March forward toward Yoxel*


*One of the machines leaps in the air*

Yoxel: *Raises his hand* Enough!

*The machine freezes in the air and struggles to break free of Yoxel's grip.*

*Yoxel Siphons the Magic out of the machine*

*The machine breaks down*

Yoxel: So I have my magic back now.

*equips his bow*

Yoxel: Say goodbye, you piece of junk.

*He shoots the Machine with an arrow which turns into Twilight particles before dispersing*

Yoxel: I probably shouldn't strain myself so much on magic, but I think forming arrows and a sword or two is fine.

*He unlocks the last door which leads him to an alter.*

*The tablet beeps rapidly*

Yoxel: Another Item?


Yoxel: What the hell!?

Niki Uda: One who has passed through my trial, step forward.

Yoxel: Who are you?

Niki Uda: I am the guardian of this shrine.

Yoxel: I see. You have something that belongs to me, I'm going to need it back.

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