At the jail house

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Dezmen's P.O.V
So I and the damn boys are sitting here waiting for Cherish and Ethen to get us out of this bitch I'm so mad I wanted to kill him for what he did to her.

Cherish's P.O.V

So we are going to go get them out of jail I was at home talking to Ethen and then I got a phone call saying they are in Jail we got up so fast and left I had to text Diego and tell him I was okay but he didn't answer me. So I went on with my day

45mintues passed

We got the boys out and we are at my place and my phone started to ring, it was Diego I was happy, my brother's look at me while I was about to answer it

Diego💔🙄: hey ma how is Everything

Me: it's good my brothers came here and beat his ass and they got locked up so I had to go and get them

Diego💔🙄: oh that's good ma

after that, me and Deigo finished talked and I went back to my brothers and they were leaving and I said my goodbyes to them I went back inside and started to clean my house I was scared to stay by my self but I couldn't tell my brothers that, because they would have made front to me being scared even tho I just got rapped and shit but they think it would have been okay to laugh at me. sometimes they wouldn't do it but sometimes I think they hate me the most I miss my best friend Brook she moved when she found out about her mom leaving and shit so she moved back to L.A. but brook don't know anything we don't talk anymore we have to feel off and I hate that because I need her the most right now and I can't even talk to her .

I was thinking about moving to L.A to get out of New York I need a new start and I was thinking about me and brook catching up and getting a place together so im going to call her I hope everything goes well. I dont know how she will take me calling her after all this time I mean she left me behind and i wasnt mad becuase i understood she need to chnage for her self so you know what me leaving New York would help me become the person I need to be and hey I might meet me a cute ass dude who will treat me right but who knows, im thinking about telling deigo im moving and I wounder how he would take it, I dont think I ever told him where I lived I dont know but hell with it.

*Few Minutes passed*

I'm about to call brook and see how she will take it I mean here goes nothing and she couldn't tell me I couldn't move tf shes not my mom

Me: Brook call me ASP we need to talk and I think you should know a lot of shit has happened and I miss you so call me

Other Half 🤞🏽❤️: Hey Cherish omg it's been 6 months since we talked and okay im about to call hold on let me get somewhere where im alone

Me: okay

Other Half 🤞🏽❤️ is calling

Brook: hey Cherish what's going on and I miss you too omg i can't believe I left you and im sorry we haven't talked I've been so lost without talk to you , I thought you were mad at me for leaving I didn't know how to talk to you without feeling sad without you here with me and I know i can't help that I left omgg im freaking out

Me: Hey B its okay i was never mad I was sad you left me but I moving to L.A to there for you and I cant be in New York no more and I've missed you much I need to come and live with you until I get a job and move in my own house is that okay with you ?

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