Chapter 17

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Ava sat in her designated chair with semi high spirits. After countless days of eating lunch with her new friend Sam, she still had a longing desire to know how Jimin was doing. Ava knows how much of an asshole is and how stupid she was for being that intimate with him; yet she felt addicted to him. He was a burning desire that electrified her senses and blocked her mind. He was sick mentally and physically but that drew her even closer to his aura as sirens do to lurking sailors. How could someone be so enticing? So rich and astounding? Yet so poor and unsteadily. Why do we love people that hurt us?

Ava put her hands in his hands and sighed. Maybe things aren't just meant to be. Signs are handed to us from heaven to guide us and perpetuate us. To make us see the light that is so profoundly hidden in the dark. As the mind continues to ravish our eccentricities and make us seem somewhat normal: it comes to terms that there is only one solution to equip us to serenity.


"Ava?" Sam asked concernly. She snapped her fingers near Ava's ear. Ava rose her head from her hands and stared at the worried Sam.

"Yea! What's up Sam?" She questioned with a forced smile. Sam rose an eyebrow at Ava and sat her left butt cheek on Ava's desk. "What's up with you?" She searched Ava's eyes as if they had the answer to all her unanswered questions.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." Sam hummed and crossed her arms.

"Tired from what? Work? If so then I can help you. I finished filing documents that are needed to incorporate an initiative deal with Metal Savy. What else do you need to do?"

"Nothing I'm just-"

"Missing some-one?" Sam finished her sentence for her. Ava pursed her lips and looked down at her heels.

"Ava, it's okay to miss some-one! It's an human necessity to acquire a longing for some-one." Sam reminded. Ava shrugged at her relatable words and twiddled with her thumbs.

"I suppose you're right.." Ava trailed off.

"I know I'm right." She hyped. Ava rolled her eyes and scooted her chair so that her body was closer to her desk. Sam took this action as a chance to lean somewhat close to Ava.

"Is this person your missing- is the person that your longing for named Jimin?" She spoke softly. She didn't want to jump into high waters that could drown her. Sam watched with slightly fearful eyes when Ava's posture tensed.

"Jimin?" She pretended to be clueless. Ava her forefinger onto her chin and began to 'think'.

"I don't know a Jimin."

"Cut the bull shit Ava."

"There isn't any bull shit that needs to be cut Sam." Ava responded.

"I know that you miss him Ava. Why won't you just talk to him?" Ava scoffed.

"No. I don't want to have any communication with him."

"Why not? He's such a sweet and understanding man." Ava rolled her eyes at her statement.

"I think it's best if we were to stay unacquainted."

"Okay.. but I think that he should know that." Ava shrugged her shoulders.

"But anyways, do you want to go out for lunch as Cindy's Soup Kitchen? I heard they have delicious breadsticks and tomato soup!" Sam glared at Ava and but her lip.

"Sure." Ava smiled at Sam and directed her attention to her black computer screen.

"I'll be right back Ava. I gotta call my mom to make sure everything is alright with her."

"Awe! What happened to her?"

"She tumbled down the stairs."

"Damn.." Ava gasped. "I'm sorry that happened to her. Send her my love?"

"I will!" Sam smiled.


Ava and Sam arrived at Cindy's Soup Kitchen with growling stomaches and wet clothes. It started to rain down harshly and wet the world around them. Ava's eyes skimmed the menus to look for something admirable to eat.

"Do you know what you're going to eat?"

"I'm getting the pig's feet soup." Sam joked. Ava scrunched up her nose but giggled at Sam.

"Why are you always ordering something disgusting? Nasty ass." Sam smacked her lips and kicked Ava's feet.

"Shut up." Sam's phone vibrated on the table. She curiously picked the device up and tapped on the screen multiple times.

"Girl! I gotta take this phone call and then go to the restroom real quick." Sam slid herself across the soft seated booth and left to the restroom.

"Okay? That was random." Ava continued to read the menu to see what desired her picky taste.

"French fry soup? Who thought of that?" She laughed to herself. Steps encountered her hearing; signaling that her friend returned.

"Sam! They have French fry soup here. Who thinks of that?" Ava giggled and looked up to meet her friends's questionable stare. Except that her friend wasn't giving her a questionable stare. Matter of fact: It wasn't even her friend that was staring at her at all.



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