Brick by Brick

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"I hate the fall."


"There's no emotion behind it. In Winter, you always see...something. Somebody's always having the time of their life just because it's cold. Snowing? Happy as fuck. Just cold enough to rip your nose off? Happier than fuck. Of course, there are the other people who waddle around in fifty layers-"

"Don't read yourself, Iero."

"-With a scarf up to their eyes, pissed at mother nature and pissed at their stupid company for making them come into work when it's like the arctic outside, but they're still feeling something. In Summer, teenagers are always around screaming their dumb asses off, acting like the world is finally where it's supposed to be, you have adults wanting to kill themselves from the heat-"

"It doesn't even get that hot here. Fuckin' pussies."

"Not everyone comes from the literal depths of Hell, Bob."

"-And if I could fucking finish my sentence, fucking thank you, god damn."

"Right, right, go ahead, continue, it's not like we have jobs to do or anything."

"Eat my ass, Bob Bryar, you don't do shit in the office. Any-fucking-way, Fall does jack shit for peoples emotions. Nobody is giggling when leaving the house, nobody's pissed leaving the house, nothing. Nobody gives a right shit about Fall, and that makes me hate it. The seasons mean nothing when nobody appreciates them."

"Wow, Iero, you should write poetry. That was some real deep shit, you got there." Bob drawled, mocking him with every bit of the word. He leaned over the edge of his chair, probably hoping he'd fall out of it and by some miracle die or go into a coma by smacking his head on the cold concrete. He knew that was just an unrealistic fantasy, though. A man could hope.

"Fuck you, Bob."

"You know, there are people who really enjoy Fall," Amy piped up from her place at the computers. Everyone turned their attention towards her, but she didn't notice seeing as she never looked away from the screen. "In fact, the majority of my friends love fall. It makes them ridiculously happy. I love Fall, too, there's something really...peaceful and nostalgic about it. I can leave my house pissed, but I can't stay pissed for more than 30 seconds it's just...It's like therapy."

"Oh," Frank mumbled, like the idiot he rightfully was. To be fair, he did feel a bit stupid. Of course, out of the seven billion people on the planet, there would have to be thousands who loved the Fall. "Yeah, I guess I see that."

"There's always going to be someone who likes something, even if the majority of people don't care for it," Amy smiled, leaning back in her chair to turn and look at Frank, before realizing everyone was staring at her. "What?"

"We just didn't think you gave that much of a shit for the outside world, seeing as you're always glued to the computer screen." Lindsey piped up, grinning at her before going back to scribbling on a piece of paper.

"It's my job," Amy mumbled, crossing her arms and staring at her lap. "Somebody can love technology for all its worth and still appreciate nature. It's not like I'm glued to my computer or phone when I'm walking to work, that would be dangerous. Of course, I notice the scenery."

Frank grinned as their conversations continued, pushing his chair back and getting out of it, before making his way across the room. He stopped at the table they had in the back, well, 'table' being a ping-pong table they got from outside someone's house on Brush Day when they first got this place. Lindsey painted it grey, because, if she was being real, the green was ugly as all fucking hell and she would not stand to be in the same room as it. Now they use it as the coffee table, where they put, shocker, coffee. But, they also put any food they buy on it, too. Frank grabbed the pot and poured himself a cup, before taking a sip and nearly spitting it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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