Chapter 55

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Siona POV

For the whole car ride home I just kept looking at the ring on my hand.

I'm so happy that I get the chance to spend the rest of my life with the man that I love.

But then it occurred to me that he hasn't met my parents yet.

And my parents are super protective over me and I know they're gonna grill him with questions but they need to meet him because I am marrying him after all and I want their blessings.

"Mr. Leanos you know You're gonna have to meet my parents too." I smiled st him.

"I know that Mrs. Leanos." he said smiling as we pulled into the drive way of my house.

"Also we should start looking for houses so we can move in together." I said unbuckling my seat belt and getting out of the car.

"Yeah I agree." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I can't wait to start our lives together." He said kissing my temple."
*1 week later*

This past week has consisted of Diego and I looking for houses and me talking to my parents about me and Diego getting married.

My parents weren't as thrilled to find out we were getting married since they never met him but they're gonna give him a chance.

They're plane was arriving today at 2:15 pm.


"Baby calm down." I said to Diego as I quickly glanced at him before averting my eyes back to the road.

Now it was me doing all the comforting.

"Now I know how you feel." Diego said nervously.

I kissed his hand gently and ran thumb lightly over his knuckles.

"Baby everything will be fine; remember when you told me to be myself well that's all you have to do too. They'll love you just as much as I do." I said smiling.

15 minutes later

We arrived at the airport at 2.

We got out the car and walked in.

I could tell that Diego was really nervous.

"Baby calm down I don't want you having an anxiety attack ok babe." I said softly as I hugged him.

We stayed like that for some time.

I just wanted him to be calm.

The announcer just announced my parent's plane has just landed.

I began to search for my parents.

After a few minutes I spotted them.

"Momma, Daddy." I squealed as I ran to them.

"Hey sweetheart." My Dad said smiling and giving me a hug.

"You look beautiful Siona." My mom said pinching my cheeks.

"Thanks momma." I said before turning to an awkward Diego.

"Mom Dad this is my fiance Diego." I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Nice to meet you." He said as he extended his hand for my dad to shake.

They shook hands.

"We have heard a lot about you Diego." My mom said smiling.

"I hope all good things Mrs. Davis." Diego smiled awkwardly.

"Oh no honey call me Clara and you can call her father Timothy." She smiled at Diego.

So far so good.

The car ride home was filled with laughter, mostly because of my goofy ass dad. But we were all getting along.

We then all got out the car and entered my home.

"Ooh I love this house." My mom said in awe.

"Thanks mommy but we won't be staying here much longer because me and Diego are looking for a house together." I said as I guided them to the living room.

"Oh that's nice." My mom said as she took a seat on the couch.

"So Diego I heard you're a rapper." My dad said looking at Diego.


"So Diego I heard you're a rapper." Timothy said looking at me.

"Ughhh yeah I just got back from touring." I said as I began to play with my fingers.

"Do you plan on being with my daughter and only my daughter for the rest of your life?" He asked sternly.

I was fucking terrified and I know Siona could see it.

"Yes of course that's why I'm planning on marrying your beautiful daughter sir." I said smiling at Siona.

She smiled back at me before blowing a kiss.

"Well what makes you think that you'll be faithful to my daughter when you get married but can't even be faithful to her while you two are dating?" He questioned angrily.

Oh shitttt.

"Timothy I think you should change the subject." Clara suggested sweetly.

"No Clara I wanna know why he thinks he can just up and marry my daughter if he can't even be faithful to her. I'll be damned if my baby girl marries a low life scumbag who can't keep his dick in his pants even if you paid him to." He yelled angrily.

"Daddy he's changing ok! And he's one of the best things that have happened to me in a long time. Granted he did fuck up a lot of times but I love him enough to work through them and we're in a good place right now and the reason I brought you guys over here was to have y'all blessings. But if you're going to judge him before you even get to know him then you can get the fuck outta my house and go back to Chicago!" Siona yelled at him angrily.

I have never seen her this mad before.

I went up to her and hugged her.

She was crying horribly.

"Mr. Davis I know I made some terrible mistakes and I regret every single one of them when I always will but I love your daughter more than my own life. She has stuck by my side always and have always had my back. She understands me and loves me and I love her. I swear to you and her that I will never make those same mistakes again. I really want to marry her and have a family with her and only her. She is the love of my life and I'm never leaving her again. The only way I will leave her is if I die." I said wholeheartedly.

"I fucking love this girl and imma be with Siona till death due us part." I said before kissing her temple.

Siona looked at me lovingly before wrapping her arms tightly around my waist.

"Well Timothy it looks like they're not breaking up anytime soon so you're just gonna have to get with it or get left ." Clara said while putting her hands on her hips.

Timothy looked at all of us before saying, "welcome to the family Diego."

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