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SO I have zero idea how to tag I tried to but idk I'm dumb lol.

I was tagged yesterday by @straypoet hOW do you tag Istg idk how to tag sorry 


1. put the title as "lit"

2. you can refuse this tag

3. you must finish this within a week or you have to post a video of you dancing 

4. no replying to comments

5. write 13 facts about yourself

6. tag 13 people


1. My name is Joyce

2. I'm 13 years old international age (I feel like that's too young and I shouldn't be writing these kinds of fics, but you know what, I ain't stoppin')

3. I'm a girl lol

4. I live in the U.S. woOOoOOhOOooOOo

5. I play 2 instruments the violin and the guzheng

6. I got into kpop like probably almost 3 years ago because like my old friend showed my Luhan's "lu" and I was like yES. So he like just left at that point so like I was like ok lets check out luhan and I got pulled into exo, shinee, snsd, and eventually my ult. group which is bts. 

7. I legit stan like 50 million groups it's not funny I'm too addicted lol

8. idk Jay will judge me for this, but I like to sing in my freetime and actually since I started building up my voice I can actually sing 3 octaves (like idk probably around 24 notes), so I'm like pretty proud right now.

9. I'm a hardcore fanfic reader I've started reading them ever since I first got into kpop. At first I was actually a normal fan and I read like those girl x idol fics but now I can't bring myself to read those because they just don't seem normal to me anymore. I only ship my boys together now lol.

10. I have lots of children at school that I adopt because they are all cuties and Jay is like my primary fetus along with several other ppl. 

11. I'm the best person to call if you have too much food. I eat all the time and I eat a LOT. For some reason after I consume all the junk food in the world Im still a stick so I just eat wtv because who likes to diet. Sometimes being fat is ok because you can just be happy eating good food. Like I get that dieting and maintaining a healthy diet helps you live longer, but I'd rather eat good food and live a shorter life than eat salads all day to live longer. I see no point in living that long, at a certain age you aren't lively anymore and if you just old, ill, and bed ridden is there really a point in living for an extra 10 years? (sorry that was waaaaaaaay to long).

12. I have double personalities, sometimes I'm an absolutely insane, and high weirdo. But there's also other times that I can be serious or get angry really quickly. Sometimes I'm super chill and sometimes I'm really annoying it's weird. Occasionally I start a really deep philosophical lectures on life so maybe I'll be a public speaker someday lol.

13. I've mentioned this several times and yall probably all know. I suCK at ela. I suck at all forms of grammar and writing. I want to share all my story ideas, but my grammar usage is just so trash I'm sorry guys bear with me. Love ya'll allllllllll!

So I guess I'll just tag a couple authors I like to read from, a lot of my favorite author's have already been tagged so I'll try not to double tag people. Also for some reason I'm dumb and idk if these tags will even show up because I'm probably not doing it correctly.


A/N: For some reason none of my other tags popped up, I did Jay's first and it worked and everyone else's tags just wouldn't work for some reason if anyone knows how to fix this please tell me because it's really bothering me that I can't tag all my favorite authors. 

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