Chapter 4

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Third Person pov

The alarm clock ring echoed through the empty house, Felix slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes. He dragged himself out of bed and put on his school uniform, grabbed a piece of bread and head out the door, not knowing what the day held in store for him.

Changbin had told him Minari said she would be going to the same school from now on, so we'd have to fake the relationship everyday at school.

Once Felix walked through the school gates he saw Changbin getting swarmed with girls as he usually does. He was one of our grade's heartthrobs and a lot of girls had a crush on him.

Felix walked past the crowd in the hallway towards his homeroom which he shared with Changbin. 

A few minutes later the rest of the students walked in, including the older and class had begun to start.

Mr. Lee our homeroom teacher told us we had a new student coming in today. 

Felix and Changbin both hoped desperately that out of all the classes this couldn't have been the one Minari was going to be in.

Moments later a beautiful girl walked into the classroom with a shy smile on.

"Sorry Mr. Lee I'm new here so it took my a while to find my class", Minari said with a flustered face. She caught sight of the two boys and immediately smirked and went back to her cute girl image.

"Please introduce yourself to the class", Mr. Lee said as he motioned her to the front of the classroom.

"Annyeonghasayo! Jeoneun Myoui Mina ibnida!" Minari said as she bowed to the class. 

There we obvious whispers throughout the classroom of her obvious beauty along with jealous girls and fanboys.

"Pleasure to meet you Mina, our only empty seat in this class is next to Changbin so how about you sit next to him?" Mr.Lee said as he showed Mina the way to her seat. (A/N: she introduces herself as Mina and everyone else will call her Mina besides Changbin and Felix).

Changbin immediately felt uncomfortable as Minari gave him the same sweet smile he fell in love with the first time around.


"Binnie! Look at the plushie I got you isn't it so cute?" Mina giggled as she pushed the fluffy bunny(jungkook lol) towards Changbin.

"Thanks so much honey I love it!" Changbin said with a wide smiled as he hugged the cute giggling ball of sunshine in his life.

Little did he know...

"How you could do this to me?! I trusted you Mina!" Changbin yelled as he shoved her away from him. (A/N: I guess in a way Minari is a close nickname Changbin gave her so he stopped calling her the pet name/nickname when he found out she was with someone else).

"Please I can explain I promise I wasn't cheating on you, I love you so much Binnie!" Mina desperately said as she clung onto her boyfriend, begging him not to leave her.

"I loved you and you ruined me! You never look at me anymore, do you even feel anything anymore?" Changbin yelled with tears in his eyes.

"Let's breakup, I have enough Myoui Mina."


Back to present

"Bin, Bin, BIN FREAKING SNAP OUT OF IT YOUR'E WORRYING ME OK", Felix's loud yell jolted Changbin out of his old memories.

He shook his head and tried to calm himself when he realized he must have spaced out the whole class period because no one was left in the room but the younger gazing at him with a worried look on his face. 

"I'm fine Lix, let's get to class, we don't want to be late", Changbin said as he forced himself out of his seat to follow the younger who was already halfway out the room.

A/N: Yo I wrote so much more than I normally do I'm even impressed with myself wow. I kinda changed my writing style a bit to make it less cringy, but I'm better at writing intense scenes so my wording kinda changes when I do. I know this was mainly Changbin and Mina but I promise there will be more changlix moments soon I just need to build up a backstory.

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