Chapter 31 - Breath of life

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Angelo's POV

Have you ever felt as though your heart was breaking? Not in the emotional sense but as if it was physically being removed from your chest and crushed. The kind of heart break that is so painful to live with you would do anything to numb it...drink, drugs, death.

The only woman I have ever truly loved and vowed to protect has been snatched away from me. Stolen by death. Every smile she's ever given me flashes before my eyes, every kiss, every caress, every 'I love you' - every moment in the short amount of time we had together, time that wasn't nearly enough.

Fate is too cruel and she laughs at the injustice I feel. The unfairness of it all makes another ripple of pain flood my chest. Some people get ten, thirty, even fifty years to be together but didn't even get a full year to be her husband. The thought too much to take I tip the second bottle of Cognac and swallow nearly half the bottle in a few gulps. I stopped feeling the burn two days ago now it like drinking water, and helps me forget - mostly as the memories are still at the edges of my mind, mocking me.

I wish I had met her sooner or that I had been honest with her when I first found out Diego was alive. Maybe just maybe, I could have avoided all of this. If i had just stopped digging, left the past in the past maybe...

But with every 'I wish' and 'what if', I go crazy with grief cause nothing can bring her back now. She's gone, my bella. My beautiful, innocent wife. I watched her die, held her as she took her last shuddering, pain filled breath. 

The dull and continuous 'beep' of the heart monitor replays over and over in my mind. Despite me screaming her name, begging her to come back and holding on to her cold slender arms - she didn't move, her warmth didn't come back. That was the last time I saw her before I was dragged out of the room by a male nurse and my brother. The sudden slam of the double doors does nothing to silence the chaos still going on inside her hospital room or the loud shouts of the doctors - 'CLEAR!' 

After the third shout I knew in my heart, the one she was taking with her, that everything was lost - forever.

It was exactly three minutes and forty-two seconds. I don't remember much, just a woman's voice telling me it's not my time. That because of the goodness in my soul and the love in heart, I would be given a second chance, one that would come with a price.  The echo of that melodic voice stayed with me long after I woke and the warning sending goosebumps all over my body. The bright fluorescent light and insistent beeping replaced the last echo of the voice, but I felt I wasn't alone.

"Mrs De Luca, Can you hear me?" A gentle voice asked. I blinked several times trying to adjust to the light, before turning in the direction of the voice.

A woman with a gentle face stood next to me.

"You're one lucky woman and a medical anomaly, you must have a guardian Angel or two." She said with a kind smile when she realised she had my attention.
"I'm just going to get the doctor to come and check on you, would you like to take a sip of water before I go?" She added leaning closer to me.

At the suggestion of water the dryness in my throat became almost unbearable, with a quick nod I turned and watched as what felt like the longest time before she finally held a cool glass of water to my cracked lips.

After draining almost half of the small cup, in record time she pulled it away even though I was still thirsty.
"You need to take your time dear, your body needs to get used to it otherwise you'll make yourself sick.

With a dissatisfied grunt I relunctly place my head back on the pillow before croaking a very broken, 'thank you.'

I wanted to ask her more but she slipped out of the room and just like that darkness claimed me again.




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