Chapter 12 - Misunderstanding cleared up

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Going into the building we have to take the stairs to the third floor because the elevator is out of order – big surprise. Standing in front of Sarah’s cousin’s door we knock and patiently wait for her to open it.  “How do you know she’s even home?” I ask Angelo. Before he could answer however the door opens and standing before us is an average looking young woman.

The woman has dark black hair and light honey brown eye. She stood before us in a short maxi dress and some flip flops. “Hello, I’m Angelo and this is my fiancé Cassandra, we are friends of Sarah and we just want to have a word with you about her” he says with a smile, sounding like a sexy cop. Shocked by the fact that he called me his fiancé I playfully elbow him. He reacts to this by putting his hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him and places a kiss on my temple.

As much as I loved this feeling and wanted it to last longer – it was pretend. Fantasy and what I wanted was reality. Putting on a fake smile I play along with it but not before whispering in his ear how dead he was going to be when we were alone. Sarah’s cousin who we later found out is called Hannah let us invited us in but was at first hesitant.

Hannah’s apartment looked surprisingly good. We were now sitting in her living room, waiting for her to bring us some coffee. “So what can I help you with” Hannah asks while taking a seat on the sofa opposite Angelo and me. “Well did you know that Sarah was pregnant” I ask. “Well yeah she told me. Sarah was so messed up you know. We lived in this dump, she always wanted more. After both our parents died in a car crash when we were 13 she always wanted a better life. I didn’t condone the way she was doing it though.” She says stopping to take a sip out of her cup.

“How was she doing it” Angelo asks even though he knows the answer to the question, being one of Sarah’s many victims. He was just the unlucky bastard that actually got her pregnant.  “She was researching rich men then tracking their whereabouts and going to clubs and parties that they would be at. She tried to get them drunk then have unprotected sex with them so she could have their baby then blackmail them for money” Hannah pauses disappointment etched on her face.

“One night she came home frustrated saying getting them drunk wasn’t working so she started drugging them. She finally got pregnant” she says while laughing, but it was a cold laugh devoid of any emotion. “What happened” I cautiously asked. “Well let’s just say karma is a bitch and she found out the hard way. When she was 7 – 8 months pregnant she found out that she had a tumour just behind her womb and if she wanted to live they had to take out the baby to remove the tumour. Sarah was so devastated, how could she kill the baby that she’s grown an attachment to. She said if she died – she died as long as her baby lived” Sarah finished with a sob.  

By now both I and Hannah were in tears. Shifting Hannah cried on, “She said if she couldn’t have her baby then the dad won’t either, she said she was giving the baby up for adoption because she wanted it to have a good life. I disagreed with her though she should have given the baby to the dad she more than anyone should have known that family was everything”

“Three days before she was supposed to give birth to the baby she went for a walk and never came back. I got a call 24 hours later saying that she had died and I had to go identify the body” Hannah said breaking down completely. Getting up from my seat next to Angelo I go and sit by Hannah’s side and wrap my arms around her while whispering reassuring words to her. Looking back at Angelo he looked so uncomfortable and if the situation was better I would be laughing so hard.

After Hannah had calmed down she continued to tell us what happened to Sarah. “The autopsy report said she had given birth a few hours before her death and the tumour burst an hour later.” She breathes out. Even though it has been four years I could see that the loss of her cousin was still very deep. “I am so sorry for your loss” Angelo says sincerely.

 After a few a minutes of small chat we leave. Sitting in the car the silence is filled with sadness and pity. Angelo asks where I want to go and I give him the directions to my parents house, I needed to pick up Gabriel, my little angel. Just thinking about him puts a smile on my face.

Arriving outside my parent’s house, Angelo turns of the ignition and sits back in his seat. “I can’t believe Sarah was that type of person, she lied to me. In that note I read about a totally different person, but at the same time I kind of admire her for not killing Gabriel so that she could live.” I say breaking the silence between us.

“Yeah I know I’m just really pissed of that for her own selfish reasons she didn’t give me a chance to get to know my own child.” He says upset.  Now thinking about it I feel horrible and sorry for Angelo. Sarah made sure that Gabriel never got a chance to see his father and I’ll be damned if I did the same thing.

“Yes” I say while turning in my seat to face him. “Yes what?” he asks confused. “Yes I’ll marry you” I quickly breathe out before I can chicken out. “Thank you” Angelo says while pulling me in for a hug which I gladly return. Smiling I say the five words that bring moisture to Angelo’s beautiful magnetic blue eyes, “Ready to meet your son.”


Okay so there it is, hope you guys like it.




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