Chapter Two

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"Ah, now that's more like it!" Jack stood in the driveway of the house, surrounded by tools and covered in black grease, grinning brightly. "You absolute bloody beaut!" He cried out adoringly, his hair mussed and ruffled from the gentle wind that blew through the air.

"Jack." Sandy hid an amused smile behind her hand. "It's only a motorcycle. Not a newborn babe."

Jack threw a hurt expression at her and moved closer to the newly rebuilt bike. His white t-shirt was covered in grease stains, his jeans were worn and mucky, and his hands and arms were littered with indistinct oil stains and grubby marks. Despite this, his bright smile and whiskey coloured eyes shone through his rugged and messy appearance.

"Don't listen to her, Nellie, you're my best girl." He patted the leather seat, cursing when he accidentally smeared a bit of grease on the seat. He pulled a clean rag from his back pocket and started polishing the muck from the leather.

"You've called it Nellie?" Sandy raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, so? She is a Nellie. Don't ya think?" Jack crossed his arms, his exposed biceps bulging against the fabric of his t-shirt. He eyed his bike critically.

"It's an inanimate object, Jack." Sandy reminded him, causing an overly dramatic gasp to come from his mouth.

"Don't you listen to that mean ol' sister of mine. She's just jealous that she can't drive. No she can't, you lovely girl." He cooed at the bike, switching between admiring the vehicle and mock-glaring at his sister.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Good on ya, Jack." Sandy giggled at her brother's pout. "She looks a lot like your old bike, Bess."

"Yeah, they're both similar models. Only difference is this one's not quite as old." Jack shrugged, throwing his rag over his shoulder. "Anyway, I think it's all sorted now. Her engine should be running like a total dream. Guess I'll see if it's all good tomorrow on route to Rydell."

The twins spent the remainder of the evening listening to the radio. Sandy, much to the amusement of her older brother, kept panicking and worrying about the next day, hoping it would be alright and she would make nice friends. Jack, on the other hand, couldn't really give a damn. He passed his time reading, and trying to scrub off all the dirt and muck that stained his tan skin from working on his new bike.


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