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Jeonghan was always delighted to go to class. Ever since he was young, he always wanted to work with children. Jeonghan was an only child, the only younger children he got to know and take care of were cousins.

Jeonghan made his way to the education hall, and upstairs to the elementary education classes. Sure being a teacher wasn't his first bet, but he wants to better children in the future.

He settled in his seat, closer to the right side of the room, and he sat in the very back. The lecture hall was a moderate size, but still too big to be considered a normal classroom. And despite its size, Jeonghan's class didn't have many students. Everyone scattered around the room.

"Hey, Jeonghan. How's it going?" Jeonghan turned beside him, a playful smile on his face. But it soon faded when Jeonghan saw it. "Uh, Hey Wonwoo. I'm good. You?" Jeonghan couldn't believe it. Wonwoo's string went right to Jeonghan.

Jeon Wonwoo wasn't your typical college student, unless your idea of one was actually studying and working for a degree. Wonwoo hardly went to parties, he did not fall into major student debt just to waste his time partying and sleeping around.

Jeonghan knew Wonwoo from high school but didn't get closer to him until they were in college. In freshman year, they were dorm roommates but rented a house in sophomore year. They share the house with four underclassmen.

Jeonghan has never seen someone's string change to another person. And he most definitely did not expect for someone's to change to him. He was flattered by fates change, but he was most definitely not prepared or sure what to do.

"I'm doing good, you've been kinda M.I.A for the last few hours. Anything wrong?" Wonwoo was always a caring person. "Nah I'm good. I just needed to clear my head before classes. Sorry for worrying you." Jeonghan sighed and laid his head on the table. Wonwoo rubbed his back supportively and offered to take notes for the older so he could rest.

Jeonghan did rest. Well not exactly, he sat there wondering how Wonwoo could possibly have him as his soulmate. It was always a possibility, seeing how the two got to know each other well over the years and became really good friends. What confused Jeonghan the most was what he was to do with the situation. It really was up to how Wonwoo was going to react. He could realize feelings for Jeonghan and try it, or he could continue living his life without needing to love Jeonghan. Fate was a bitch sometimes.

Jeonghan was truly stumped. He never thought of Wonwoo that way, but he did have to admit that Wonwoo was someone special to him. But then again all of his roommates were too. It was mutual between them all for him.

Class finally let out, and it was the last of the day, plus it was Friday. Jeonghan and Wonwoo walked out together. Jeonghan was lucky that Wonwoo had a car since he took the bus everywhere and refuses to spend money on a car. Jeonghan kept the string in his mind as he walked a little close to Wonwoo, enough for him to link their arms and walk off smiling.


While Jeonghan had his revelation, poor Minghao was in an extremely embarrassing situation. He had just ended his shift at the cafe, in fact, he was closing shop early thanks to a forgiving boss. Normally, Minghao would have to go home at 8, but the boss decided 6 was better and let everyone leave early.

Since Minghao didn't live far from his job, he walked to and from. He was minding his business, walking on the proper side of the sidewalk when he ran straight into someone. And of course, for Minghao's luck, the person landed right on top of him in a suggestive position.

The worst part of it all, he didn't even get off of Minghao right away. In fact, the stranger took a good two minutes admiring Minghao's face while the latter awkwardly looked anywhere but the stranger's eyes.

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