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"Good morning Princess!" Millicent's voice rang in Adelaide's ear. The young girl pulled her feathered pillow over her head, but the maid was quick to seize it. "No hiding from me young miss," Millicent opened the window curtains, "you have a day to start!" The bright sunlight lit up the room. There was no escaping the inevitable, Adelaide dragged herself out of bed to wash her face.

The servant laid out Adelaide's dress, cleaned up her room, and began brushing her hair. "You have a guest this morning." Millicent said cheekily.

"The Queen of Aurelie?" Adelaide questioned.

"No." Millicent smoothed out the young girl's long silver hair.

Peaking her interest, Adelaide began to name off every Royal and Noble she knew of, all were met with Millicent's simple, "No." "For goodness sakes who is it!?" Adelaide turned around mid-brush to be met with a very entertained Millicent.

"Delilah." Adelaide's face scrunched up in disgust at the name, she looked the maid up and down before turning around.

Millicent let out deep laughter as she continued to fix Adelaide's hair. "It isn't funny." annoyance laced in the girl's voice.

Once the princess appeared presentable, her assistant led her out. Her long silver hair tied up in a bun donning a tiara, with a bright pink dress with all its necessary princessy frills.

Adelaide clasped Millicent's hand as they approached the dining hall. The pair was met with the other Princesses and their Royal attendants. Shawna came bouncing next to Adelaide, "Adelaide!" She wrapped her arms around her sister, almost toppling her over.

"Shawna!" she hugged back, "Guess who's coming to breakfast?" The same disgusted look formed upon her face.

"Who?" Shawna looked lost and concerned.

"Delilah." Shawna's clueless expression made Adelaide's feelings burn stronger.

"Is that ba-"

"Of course it's bad!" Adelaide cut her off before she could discern for herself. "Oh... ew!" Shawna exclaimed.

"You stop this at once!" interrupted Khamylle, who was holding the third princess. "Adelaide that is no way a princess should behave." She scorned.

"Come on Shawna." Adelaide grabbed her sister's hand and pushed through the big oak doors of the dining hall.

The hall was a spacious room. With a large wooden table that had seated many Royals, and three large windows on the side of the room. The King and Queen sat next to each other, opposite of the main oak doors, holding hands. As Adelaide walked in with her sister she noticed this, "Good morning father!" She said brightly. Tobias coughed and looked at Delilah, then back her. "And Delilah." her enthusiasm left.

"Good morning Your Grace." Delilah gave a polite smile. The others came in while Adelaide took her seat.

"Hi daddy!" Shawna rushed towards her father to hug him. Tobias acted as if Shawna weighed a ton as he picked her up, "Hi Love, you're getting so big." As he set her on his lap, Meredith's nanny strapped her into a highchair and the royal family settled to eat.

"So, Delilah what are you planning on doing with the young princesses today?" Tobias said as he gave Shawna his cup. Delilah looked up from her eggs and forced a smile.

"How does a picnic sound?"

Adelaide frowned at this idea. "Or we could go to the- "

"No, picnic sounds pleasant." Tobias interrupted Delilah and then smiled at his sulking daughter. "Great!" Tobias clapped his hands together, "I loved to stay for the family outing but the kingdom's issues await."

He set down Shawna, got up and kissed Delilah. "Try to have a good time." He whispered into her ear and gave sympathetic look. "And you, behave yourself!" He commanded Adelaide. With that the King left the dining hall and headed towards his meeting.

Once her father left, Adelaide began to mutter under her breath. Delilah played with the food on her plate. "Your Highness may I take the princesses to get ready for the picnic?" Khamylle curtsied.

"Yes, sure- Of course." Delilah fumbled over her speech, unsure how to answer. The maids gathered the princess to get them prepared. Millicent paid a visit to the cook for the picnic food.

The Royals and their entourage were off to their picnic by noon. The princesses wore lighter dresses and straw bonnets and the maids all had baskets to tow. Emersyn Castle held an immense orchard and garden in the back of it. Large trees with fruit and beautiful flowers covered the green land. The clear blue sky and fresh spring air made it perfect for a picnic. Soon, the group found a pleasant shady place to sit.

However, even with the beautiful day and the delicious food Adelaide wore a scowl. She took a seat on the edge of the picnic blanket. Delilah offered a smile to Adelaide as the servants placed the food. "It's nice out today." Delilah grinned at her, it only seemed to sour Adelaide's mood more.

Shawna ran over towards the food and began to eat. She extended her grapes to her sister. The moody Princess shook her head to the offer.

Shawna then turned to Delilah to share, "Thank you Shawna." Delilah gave her honest gratitude and popped a grape in her mouth. Adelaide was in shock at her sister's betrayal. Her mood only worsened when Delilah sparked a conversation with Shawna. "I love your bonnet, Shawna. Look we're matching." Delilah pointed excitedly at her own bonnet. Shawna giggled, "You want me to go pick some flowers for you miss?" Delilah nodded and watched the red headed toddler hurried away. Delilah noticed Adelaide's glares, she again gave a weak smile.

The maids sat down with their gossip on a seperate picnic blanket. Khamylle held the youngest princess, Meredith, and fed her. As Shawna ran back under the tree she tripped with flowers in her hand. Millicent went over to help her. "Be careful, young ladies aren't supposed to be zipping about!" Millicent brushed the grass from her white stockings and the princess ran off again.

Shawna clumsily toppled over Delilah while she ran, "Ow- sorry Miss."

Delilah laughed, "It's alright." She then received a noseful of flowers. "Beautiful, thank you ever so much Shawna!" Delilah spoke through the flowers, the tiny redhead smiled widely.

"Shawna I didn't get any flowers." Adelaide began to sulk.

"Oh sorry-" Shawna began.

"But I'm your sister." Adelaide's face was now flushed, "You got some for Delilah, but not me!" Tears fell down her face.

Delilah rushed to comfort the girl. "Don't talk to me Father-Snatcher!" Delilah recoiled. "Leave me alone, I hate you! You take everything!" The maids then rushed to Adelaide as she continued her tantrum. Shawna began to cry at her sister's harsh reaction, Delilah stood stunned. The nannies tended to the crying Princesses and began packing up the picnic. This was not at all how Delilah wanted this day to go.

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