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Delilah tucked her long, wavy, black hair into a ponytail. The Queen transformed herself with a ragged cloak and dress. She couldn't afford her identity to be revealed on this mission. Delilah no longer looked royal, her figure was hidden by the brown patched dress, the robe's tattered edges completed the look. She looked herself in the mirror and smudged dirt on her face. The only recognizable trait of hers was her light green eyes. All the symbols of wealth that she normally wore were discarded for this moment.

She snuck out as the sun was just setting, she had told Tobias that she was going for her dress fitting for the ball. It had been weeks since she first started planning, anticipating her plan coming together; she was going to meet Esme. Pepper just meant it as a ridiculous suggestion but she seriously considered it.

Delilah pondered for weeks on end how she was going to meet the witch. She asked more questions about Esme. Every little piece of information she got she stored, she especially acquired a lot from her husband. She learned that Esme lived in the deep forest on the edge of the two kingdoms. The trip there was going to take all night by horse. So off she went, with a horse she had borrowed from the stables.

Her mind was everywhere as she rode off into the darkening night, a list of terrible things could happen to her. Yet she remembered: this was for the kingdom, for Tobias. The trees all began to look the same as she stuck to the foot beaten road. Delilah was just about to doubt her map when suddenly a stranger caught her attention. The first person she had seen all night, luckily, the woods would likely become more dangerous after all she was in "witch country". The stranger stood staring, "What do you want?" her voice harsh as she hid in the shadows of the trees.

"I was just trying to- um, could you maybe-" Delilah tripped over her words gripping the horse's reins tighter.

"We don't take kindly to outsiders here."

"Look I'm sorry, I'm just looking for a witch called Esme-"

"What business do you have with her!?" The figures' voice became sharper.

"I- I have a favor to ask of her." Delilah's once weak voice grew confident when she recalled why she made the journey.

Esme stepped forward into the moonlight and removed her cloak. "So you're looking for me then?" The light from the moon illuminated the witch's features. She had a shaved head and sharp facial features. Esme made a final signal gesturing for Delilah to follow her as she ducked behind the trees. She reluctantly got off of her horse and followed.

Esme moved quickly between the trees, Delilah tried to catch up. She almost lost the witch in the darkness, until a sharp voice called out "Hurry up, one can go missing in these woods." Delilah felt overwhelmed, she wasn't sure if she wanted to turn back right then and now, but something kept driving her. As she delved deeper into her contradicting thoughts, she delved deeper into the woods as well. One redwood tree stump looked like another as she trailed behind Esme.

Delilah's eyes suddenly filled with light. After recklessly chasing after Esme and be surrounded by nothing but blurring trees and stark darkness, Delilah was confronted by a small illuminated hut. The queen huddled over, out of breath, the witch stood tall as if she wasn't affected by the run.

"Follow me," Esme commanded again and stepped inside of the hut. Delilah scrunched up her face, she never met someone so abrupt with her. She examined the structure before entering. The roof was made of loose palm leaves, two main torches stood by the door sides, and the exterior was round. From the grimy rounded windows, Delilah evaluated how cramped it was. Hesitantly, she stepped into the shack.

"Like what you saw?" Esme's harsh voice broke Delilah's concentration on the exterior. Delilah took a seat on a woven mat, Esme sat across from her, a small wooden table taking space between them.

"I know it isn't the kind of hospitality you have up there in the castle, but it's home," Esme smiled wickedly.

"How did you know?" Delilah's face lit up with concern.

"A blind backward horse could see you're the queen," Esme said plainly. "You're lucky I'm the one who found you out in those woods. Now, what do you want?"

Delilah dramatically pulled off her stuffy headscarf and rub the dirt on her face. "Shouldn't you know, oh wise one?" She shot back.

"Don't try me, girl, I'm not one of your little servants," Esme held warning in her voice. "I know of many ogres who want you and that king of yours' head."

Delilah's face became red with fear and anger at the threat. "Fine, I'll make it simple... I want a male heir." She replied cautiously.

"What's in it for me?" Esme leaned in on the table, shifting charms and the crystal ball where they lay.

"I won't have you killed for threatening the royal family." Delilah scowled.

"Oh, I'm truly scared dear," Esme shook mockingly, "shaking to my core. Yet you'll have to tell King Clueless you paid me a visit. Now we don't want to do that do we?" Delilah's stomach dropped, Esme called her bluff once again.

"I have gold coins with me... please, I need to keep this confidential."

Esme's eyes bore into Delilah, and there was silence. "Oh, I don't want your money, dollface." Esme chuckled. Delilah wore a confused expression and her eyes quickly darted around the shack. "Are you sure?"

"I can get money anywhere. And I don't need a silver spoon in my mouth the obtain it. Money comes and goes, what I need, oh daughter of Leone, is rights for my people."

Delilah turned her face disgust to the request, "No."

"Well, have fun being heirless." Esme cooly replied.

Just when Esme was turning to enter another room, Delilah called out. "Wait! What exactly do you want me to?" She asked begrudgingly.

"I knew you'd come around Queenie." The witch sat back down, "I want that husband of yours to talk to the rulers of Leone, so they'll stop harming the creatures of Wren."

"Aren't you the ones who are entering Emersyn without permission? And consuming all the resources? You freaks are getting what you deserve!" Delilah stated with boldness and defiance.

Esme's dark eyes to fill with dark rage, and her mouth clamped shut. "I knew Leonians were ignorant, but you really take the cake." Esme then let out a wicked laugh, "You will talk to your husband or I'll give you so many girls your head will spin." The witch's threat was final.

Esme abruptly got up and started thumbing through her shelves of potions, herbs and other magical remedies. She then pulled out a plain glass vial, "See this?" Delilah's eyes followed, as the smooth green liquid swirled in the glass. "Take this when you're ready... and boom a bouncy baby boy."

Delilah reached for the vial greedily. "But there is a catch," Esme held the potion higher, "to heightened the chances of a boy, you'll have more babies."

Delilah squinted her eyes, "I don't need any of your witchy tricks."

"Nothing is promised." Esme's disclaimer came smugly.

This was not what Delilah wanted to hear. Yet, she saw no other way out. "Fine," the Queen hissed. She snatched the vial out of Esme's grasp.

"Mix in with food or drink," Delilah examined the elixir, as Esme continued her speech, "a spoonful for how many children you desire."

"But, no promises." Delilah muttered to herself as she turned the cool glass over in her hand.

"And don't forget to tell your husband about what we discussed...or you'll regret it." Esme's cool demeanor turned menacing, and her threat became very real.

"Alright. Thank you." Delilah could only speak softly as she felt the weight of the whole situation. She dropped purse full of silver near the exit as she left quietly.

"Come again soon Queenie!" Esme mocked cheerily, she definitely had Delilah wrapped around her little finger.

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