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Three weeks came and went, yet there had still been tension within the royal family. Delilah became more exhausted, all the disagreements but still no change. She had, though, through Tobias' protest, began eating meals with the rest of the family. Each meal was the same; Delilah would come wearily in the dining hall, be verbally attacked by Adelaide and then leave the table with her plate still full. Tobias was oblivious to his wife's mood, as long as they were acting like a perfect family he had no time to focus on the real flaws.

Adelaide came through the hallway, upon seeing Delilah her whole demeanor changed. The small child looked at her with disgust. "Do you think I'm going to grow a third arm or something? Don't you know that staring is rude?" Delilah faced Adelaide.

"Your face is rude! Don't speak to me, you're not my mom!"

"You shouldn't speak to your elders like that."

"I won't let a peasant tell me what to do," Adelaide shot back.

Delilah's face became red with irritation, she had had enough. She stormed off, "There's only so much you can take." she muttered to herself. She headed to the kitchen. Delilah had found herself there often, ever since she befriended Pepper she vented to him.

Pepper already could tell when he saw Delilah, "Adelaide again?"

She made no hesitation in her ranting, "She's a devil-child! Absolutely no respect whatsoever!" Delilah continued as Pepper put a bowlful of fresh strawberries out.

"Take a deep breath dear." The concern in his voice was enough to make Delilah stop pacing.

She looked at him, "I'm trying right? I'm doing what I'm supposed to, right?" All anger left her suddenly, and she snapped back. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" Pepper began wiping down dishes.

"For prancing in here and acting like a madwoman." She was embarrassed of her actions, Pepper pushed the bowl full of strawberries towards her.

She took a bite of one. "All you gotta do is breathe child, you'll pop a vein dealing with that girl. Have you talked to the king yet?"

"No. He has no time for me. He's busy." She did finger quotes to emphasize "busy".

"Be more assertive then. He's your husband ain't he?"

"Yeah... But I feel like I'm bothering him. I get too weak to speak sometimes."

"Don't give up dear. Is there anything new happening with you other than the-" Pepper chuckled, "The devil-child, as you called her?"

"No not much." She paused. "There's a ball coming up."

"Are you excited?" Pepper continued doing his kitchen chores as he spoke to Delilah.

"As I'll ever be." She finished her bowl of strawberries leaving only green leafy tops in its wooden interior. "And there's another thing, Pepper."

He was preoccupied with sweeping, "What's that dear?"

"Tobias says we need an heir for Emersyn." Pepper's ears perked up and he looked from his broom.

"Aw that's good, but dont you already have three kids?"

Delilah explained, "Yeah but the princesses of Emersyn don't inherit the land because of tradition." It was culturally accepted that royal girls did not inherit the land that they came from. Since most of the royal marriages were arranged in some fashion the royal daughters gained the land that they were married into. If Delilah did not give birth to a male heir not only would she a disappointment to the kingdom, Emersyn would look weak to other kingdoms. More distressingly Emersyn's land and bloodline would be divided between the other kingdoms.

"Well, you're going to have a baby! I'm so happy for you- Why aren't you smiling? You should be happy!" Pepper became suddenly concerned about Delilah's expression.

"I'm scared." Delilah wore an anxious look. "That's a big decision for me."

"What's there to be nervous about?"

"I can't even handle the three little girls given to me, Pepper. I'm not a good mother. And plus everyone will be expecting a boy."

"That does sound scary. Well," He sighed heavily, "what do you want to do?"

"I'm not sure what I should do, I just know I have to have a boy." Delilah softly muttered to herself to reassure herself.

Pepper sat down on the stool next to her, "I know this might be unorthodox, your majesty, but have you considered using magic to better your chances of having a boy?"

Delilah was taken aback to Pepper's suggestion, "I could never trust one of those witches."

Pepper recognized her superstition, "Why not? People have been going to magical creatures for hundreds of years to receive remedies."

Ignorantly Delilah asked, "Won't they poison me, especially because I'm the Queen?"

"They don't have to know it's you, why you could put a cloak and for the right price, you could end up with a baby boy," The old man gave a cunning smile. Upon seeing Delilah's reaction, Pepper quickly replied, "Well it's just a thought."

The cook got up and began to busy himself again as Delilah sat quietly in thought. "Pepper?" Pepper was focused on wiping down the wooden countertop. He hummed in reply. "Where would I find one of these witches to help me?" Delilah was careful with her speech.

"There are witches all over Emersyn who would offer you their service, but there's a really powerful one out there who goes by Esme. She located on the edge of Wren and Emersyn."

Delilah began to plan in her head. She began planning in the kitchen and she was still planning in her bed.

Tobias broke her out of her trance, "What's eating you?"

Delilah's eyebrows unfurrowed and she gave her usual innocent smile, "Oh nothing, just thinking about the ball coming up."

Tobias was content with her lie.

They both went to sleep but Delilah was still scheming. 

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