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Delilah let out a deep sigh as she took another sip of her tea. The day was a long one and consumed all of her energy. After the picnic, Delilah strayed off to avoid her step daughters. She sat upon a stool in the kitchen. It was the safest place to hide because only the castle's help came through it. The kitchen was now empty, she could finally take some time to think.

"Your Highness?" An older gentleman, with a scruffy peppered beard questioned. As Delilah's tired eyes glanced up, the man set down a big fish on the counter in front of her. "What brings ya'?"

Delilah downed her tea and smiled. "Isn't obvious?" The round cook looked confused. "I love fish." Delilah dramatically looked down at the fish. He gave a deep bellied laugh and grabbed a large cleaver knife.

"Is that so?" He chopped the fish's head off. "It looks like you're down here for more than just the fish, dear." The man then leaned in close and whispered, "Just between the two of us, I heard that those girls of yours are giving you a rough time."

Delilah looked back at her empty mug with a tired look. "I don't understand what I'm doing wrong."

The cook continued cleaning the fish. "Kids are tough." His gruff voice was sympathetic. "That's why I like cooking, the food can't talk back." He chuckled, Delilah grinned back. "I know it must be tough for you, just a lil' foreign girl becoming a mom and queen." Delilah nodded absentmindedly. "But you'll be alright. You're a strong girl." He said, putting the fish into a bowl. Delilah wore a defeated look.

"I'm afraid being strong isn't enough."

"You want to know a secret my dear?" The cook turned from the fish he just seasoned. "What makes a parent is how they connect with their children. I've been alive for a long while now, and have plenty of children myself. Grandchildren too." The corners of the man's eyes wrinkled as he spoke. "We haven't always agreed and most of the time they give me hell, but we know we love each other. Those girls lost everything when their mom died. Emersyn needed a new queen but they still need to heal. You can't rush that. It might be intimidating, but you just gotta love those girls as your own. Even if it takes every last of your wit to do it."

Delilah looked up at the cook, and with sincerity she gave a quiet, "Thank you." She didn't know how she was going to express her love yet though.

"Pepper, is that soup finished?" A servant called as she rushed down the kitchen stairs. "I told you to start it up forever ago!" As the servant continued to scold the old man, he turned to Delilah feigning a woeful look.

"Oh, Your Highness this is no place for you."

The elderly maid exclaimed. "You, you brought her here?!" She turned to Pepper.

"Well I just needed a bit of help with the soup, dear." Pepper teased, the maids face became bright red.

"You think this is funny? Look how filthy and cramped this place is. I'm surprised she hasn't fainted yet- and were you preparing fish in front of the Queen?"

As the old women continued to chide Pepper for his actions, Delilah silently climbed the stairs to leave the kitchen. She waved a final goodbye to the old man, he winked back at her.

Delilah kept walking to her room, hoping she didn't meet anyone on the way. One tired step after another led her to the door of her room. The chamber was dim, "Maybe His Highness is still downstairs with the princesses." Delilah thought out loud to herself as she closed the door behind her.

"Or maybe not." Tobias' deep voice broke the stillness of the room. He was laying on his back with a warm towel covering his face. "Oh!" Delilah almost dropped the candle in her hand. "I wish you'd stop doing that!"

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