Chapter 3!!!!

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Hi hope you are liking the story so far umm i was thinking and i find it easier to just place ______: and Law: when those two are about to talk its seems easier to understand who is talking so that was it any ideas or opinions are welcomed ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!

Law: Tch.. what do you think your...

______: Oi oi like you were doing anything better, i need company so might as well bring you here hahah,besides youl get a cold if you stay out there.

Law: Weren't you just saying you would kill me and all that ____ ya or are you telling me you are one of those all talk and no action.-said Law now with a smirk on his face.

______: Oh don't get me wrong ill kill you if i have to I'm a pirate after all aren't i Laaaw -she purred

Law: tch Women... -said Law fastly moving he's face so ______ couldn't see that tiny hint of a blush that was showing on he's face after ______ words.

What was it with that weird woman and her mood changes, sheesh if it would have been anyone else he would have killed them on the spot after acting like she did with him today. She is lucky i'm in an alliance with her captain or i....

______: Oi Law what are you spacing out on me for hmm i was talking to you sheesh.

Law: *sigh* what is it ____ ya?

to that ____ answered by shoving a cup in he's face.

_______: Do you like coffee Law? I just made some.

Law: yes...

_____: Here its the best coffee you will ever have in all your life mister Surgeon of Death!

Law: Is it poisoned?

_____: why would i ruin good quality coffee with poison? pfft

Hmm not to feed that big ego of hers but that coffee was actually pretty good. He couldn't mind having a cup everyday in the morning or whenever he would study those HUGE medical books back at the sub.

_____: Sooo?? -there stood ____ looking at him with sparkly eyes

Law: ...not bad...


Law: To good actually -he said quietly while he looked away from _____ ilusioned face.

______: I knew it! heheh - smiled____

That smile seemed so different but made Law's heart speed up. ______ had a beautiful smile something he would never admit to even be looking at .

Something told him this was going to be a long interesting trip.

They where almost finished with the coffee when Law noticed a well kept looking book in one of the chairs in the kitchen.

Law: Is this yours _____ ya?

_____: Oh.. yea i love books this one's new. I got it on fishman island- she smiled

Law: really? you dont look like someone who would read much.

_____: Hey! whats that supposed to mean!?

Law: Heh. -he couldn't help but smile at ____ reddened angry face.

_____: Do you like books Trafalgar??

Law: Yea a lot actually -To that ____ got really exited and took Law's hand in hers which made Law go tense, he wasn't used to all this what a weird woman.

______: Really?? how cool. Hey we got a library on the top floor do you want to go check it? It will be fun cmon!

Those (e/c) eyes where looking at him closely...too close actually apparently she hadn't noticed she got too exited. Deep down its not like it bothered him anyway.

Law: heh sure

_____: cool lets go! -Still holding to Law's hand warmly she made her way to the strawhats library with a huge grin on her face and a visible smirk on Law's.


Ok it was short but ill make another one soon. Trying not to ruin it XD ok thanks for reading!

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