Chapter 4!!!!

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Helloo people ok well nothing to announce so to the chapter!!!!!!

_____: Look, here it is. Isn't it lovely

Law: Impressive, i didn't think you strawhatts would have a place like this, also can they even read..?

_____: Haha rude... well yea they can read... i think. Hah am joking though usually its either me or Robin here. But ussop comes here from time to time  and chopper reads medical books on that side whenever he has time - pointed _____ to the books on the right.

Law: medical huh interesting

______: I thought you would say that. You are welcomed here whenever.

Law: thanks

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward when they both noticed... They hadn't let go of each others hand.

_______:Well... i should be going now Trafy - Waved a very flustered ______ as she left

Law  just stood there with a confused look on he's face.

Law:... She could be... she could be the weirdest woman i have met in my life.


_______: Oh stupid stupid stupid, what the hell is wrong with you ______ you never learn! *sigh* whatever its not like i care or anything. Anyway i should just focus on the ship i don't have time to make myself feel weird sheesh.

^In the MORNING^

______: *Yawn*  i hate watching the ship. I'm not the person for the job i just want to sleep!!

Hehe Oi oi ______ morning! i thought you'd be sleeping by now.

_____: oh usopp morning, so you sleep well ? - said _____ with a grumpy face

Like a baby! - Replied a very cheerful ussop.

______: Oh well that sucks...

Sheesh woman go to sleep before you kill anyone ill take over while the others wake up.

_______: *sigh* good. Now listen when they wake up make sure... -____ grabbed usopp by the collar with an evil smile- Nobody wakes me up till noon got it usopp kun ?

Ahhh ok!  you can count on the grate captain Usopp ____ no worries - said usopp while shaking he's head in fear.

_______: Its settled then have a nice day *yawn* -with that ____ left to her room, and dropped dead in bed.

^ Later that day^

Where's _______ - pouted Luffy

Look Luffy i already told you she is to be left alone the great Captain Usopp's life is on the line in this one -Said Usopp with crossed arms.

hmmmmm i want to play with her... -said luffy still pouting like a little child.

Hehe don't worry captain she will be up soon and i bet she will play with you -chuckled robin while drinking her morning tea.

Yea Luffy let her rest she was up all night she deserves some rest -Said Nami

Remember how scary she gets when she hasn't slept - said chopper turning purple of fear.

^ A few minutes later^

Hmmm... Hmmm... Hmmmm .... ahhhh she doesn't wake up maybe she died ill go check on her - smiled luffy jumping to the door-

Luffy!!  Let her rest -screamed nami from the deck but Luffy was already gone.

Brook, chopper follow him make sure he doesn't wake her up -said nami eating her Dissert.

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