Coconut Bread

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"Burning cities and napalm skies, fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes, your ocean eyes."

Today was going to be a good day. Not only was it a weekend but also today Hunk had work. Work days aren't something most people celebrate, but Hunk loves his job. He works at a small little bakery tucked in-between a bank and a thrift store in a quiet shopping district. It was a very relaxed job; in fact, Hunk had gotten the job entirely on accident.

Hunk had previously baked some mini cakes for a bake sale his school had to fundraise. When one of the teachers had called him over saying someone wanted to talk to the person who made the cakes Hunk had assumed to worse. However, when he approached, there was a loud man with shocking orange hair swinging a half-eaten cake around shouting about how good they tasted. Turns out the excitable man was named Coran and was the proud owner of a bakery. He had practically begged Hunk to work for him. Hunk had school but Coran insisted that his hours could be flexible: less like a schedule and more like a suggestion. After that Hunk had tried to come to the bakery at least once a weekend. Coran never complained when he never made that goal though.

It had taken the Samoan an embarrassingly long time to realize that Coran was the uncle that Allura had moved to America with. He had no idea until one day Allura walked into the bakery and kissed Coran right on the cheek and then swiftly moved to the back room to do homework. Coran had never laughed so hard in his life when he saw the look on Hunks face.

The bakery was pretty understaffed; only two other people worked at the establishment, a lovely girl named Shay and her brother Rax. Hunk got along well with Shay, Rax just tended to ignore him despite Hunks attempts at friendship. Hunk easily repaid the favor.

Today when he walked through the door he was welcomed by the gentle chime of the bell, the fresh smell of bread, and the smiling face of Shay. There was only a single customer sitting at a small round table, periodically sipping a cup of tea and taking bites of his strawberry tart while holding a small paperback book in his hand.

Coran popped his head out from where he had been crouching behind the counter to see who had come in, "Oh hello, Hunk!" Coran greeted and Shay gently lifted her hand to him. Hunk returned the welcome and swiftly put on his blue apron, already set upon a new recipe he found online the other day. Coran had stopped briefly to inquire what he was doing but other than that left Hunk to his own devices.

Once Hunk had pulled out his "Extremely Delicious Soft Chocolate Soufflé of Wonder," (He was still working on the name) out of the oven Shay had rushed to his side, "Oooo so what's this?"

"Chocolate soufflé, care to taste test with me?" Hunk offered Shay, knowing she'd never refuse some of Hunks baking. So he pulled out a dish and set the dessert on top, retrieving two forks for the pair to eat with.

Shay made a little noise of delight and eagerly took a bite. Hunk followed suit and soon the two were shoving forkfuls of soufflé into their mouths. Coran was less than impressed that they hadn't saved any for him.

Hunk was working at the till after that (not that there was much to work). The store was empty, which really wasn't that surprising considering the time. Hunk didn't stay bored for long though because he heard a shrill bing from his phone. He pulled it out to inspect the notification and was surprised to see a message from an unknown number,

403-XXX-XXX: Hey, It's Lance

Oh, that's right; Hunk had given Lance his phone number so they could text. In fact, that was several days ago so it's strange that they hadn't texted until now.

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