250 Cupcakes

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"Don't you stop the music, get into it, won't you dance with me?"

'How?' That was Hunk's first thought at the school's request. How could they possibly  want him bake 250 cupcakes for their bake sale by tomorrow? Did they realize how many cupcakes that was to make AND decorate? They hadn't even given him any warning! Hunk hung his head into his hands,

"How am I gonna make 250 cupcakes by tomorrow Pidge?" He cried into his hands. Pidge, who was unsympathetic, took a bite out of her sandwich. The lunch table consisted of all of Hunk's friends per usual, said friends were all looking at Hunk in concern for his sanity.

"You could ask for some help from the bakery guys?" Pidge suggested. Hunk had already asked all of his friends to help, and they agreed, but of course, they all had after school activities to do so they couldn't come until later.

"I already did, they were all busy," Hunk replied, sinking down to lay his head on the table. He needed all the help he could get, so anybody he knew he needed to ask. Oh, wait...

"You could ask Lance?" Allura suggested, "He's probably free, he doesn't have any dance classes today, and then the rest of us could meet him." Hunk lifted his head from the table, already going to reach for his phone and sent a quick text to Lance.

The group all withheld their breaths, the fate of their friend rested in Lance's hands after all.

Lance: Yeah, I'm free. Have something for me to do?

They all smiled, except for Hunk, he blushed.

Hunk: I need to bake 250 cupcakes by tomorrow.

Lance: I'm not very good at baking.... (゚⊿゚)

Hunk: That's fine, I need as much help as I can get. Can you come right after school?

Lance: Only if I get a free cupcake in return (; ̄︶ ̄)

Hunk: Deal! You're a godsend! Thanks

Lance: Np

Maybe Hunk would survive this after all.

Lance had shown up at his door right after he got home. He looked as beautiful, not that Hunk ever thought about how beautiful Lance was.

"Hey Hunk, just tell me how I can help," Lance greeted so Hunk wasted no time in getting him to start lining muffin tins. Hunk all the while started to mix ingredients.

"Why do you need to bake 251 cupcakes anyway?" Lance asked not pausing in his duty of popping colorful cupcake wrappers into the tins. Hunk had just started the first batch in the mixer and was about to start the second batch of batter.

"A bake sale for my school, I couldn't just say no. Also, the rest of my school friends are coming over later," Hunk informed over the whir of the oven heating up. When he told his moms about the cupcakes, they had made sure to get out of the way and do their own thing. In fact, Hunk thought he remembered them say something about a park.

"Oh, cool. You've talked about them before. Allura, who I know, and her boyfriend Shiro," he paused and looked at Hunk for confirmation and didn't continue until he got it, "and Shiro's brother Ken and your childhood friend Pidge?" Hunk couldn't help but snort at the mistake.

"Don't let Keith hear you call him Ken. He takes taekwondo, he will not hesitate to fight you," he warned Lance, nobody wants to mess with Keith. Given his temper and his ability to destroy basically anyone he wants, he's a force to be reckoned with.

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