Chapter 1

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Waking up on the first day on senior year, my heart felt heavy with the thought of not having my friends next year. I only had about two beast friends, but the rest were still important to me. It’s not because I’m anti-social or anything with just my two best friends, I just don’t like a lot of people. After struggling out of bed, I pulled on the outfit I had laid out the night before and flicked on some eye liner before trudging downstairs to meet my all-American family.

My dad, Barney, works as the town’s leading car salesman. His salt-and-pepper hair and big trusting smile made it easy for people to agree with him. My uncle Joe once said he persuade the Queen of England to give up Buckingham Palace. My dad always smiles at his comments and just shakes his head, in perfect modesty, saying he “isn’t that good”

My mother, Tania, works from home as a wedding consultant. She is always running around town ordering this and running that. She practically knows everyone in town, and always makes sure she looks the part she has to play.  Her dirty blonde hair and blue eyes are foreign to my black hair and green eyes. Her ideas of beauty were foreign to me, too.

My older brother, Tyler, is “taking a year off” from school this year. He’s been living in our basement and eating our food. But he’s mom’s golden boy, so there is no way my parents would ever throw him out.

I slid into my seat at the kitchen table and began to eat the plate of fruit and yogurt in front of me. I looked around my family and wondered what it would be like without them next year. I would be on my own somewhere at college, while they stayed here. What would they do without me?

“Is that what you’re wearing today? Why did you wear that pretty blue dress I picked out, it makes your skin pop!” My mom said as she walked into the dining room. Her hair was in curlers, buts he was already in her work clothes and make-up. Her lips were painted in a soft pink lipstick, which had imprinted on her coffee cup in front of her.

                “Because it hugs my hips wear and is too tight in the chest, you know that. We went over this this summer when you tried to make me wear it at the Parker’s wedding.” I said, not even missing a beat. I know she means well, but sometimes it’s like she doesn’t hear me. She pursed her lips but shrugged, sitting down to enjoy some eggs.

                “Big day today kiddo?” My dad asked as he sipped his coffee and read the newspaper.

“The first day of senior year,” I replied taking a sip of water. I looked at my watch and saw I was late. I took a piece of toast from the toaster, kissed my dad on the cheek, took my book bag off the counter and ran out the door.

Stepping outside I saw a black CR-V had just pulled up into my drive way. Sitting in the driver’s seat was my best friend in the whole world, April. I met her freshmen year when we had to be paired up in biology. We became best friends when we realized we hated everyone else. Well, hate is a strong word, but let’s just say, we’d rather be with each other than anyone else. With her long blonde hair, she looked more related to my family then I did, but it was okay because she was practically family. In the passenger’s seat beside her was our other best friend, Devon. He’s been my best friend since the 7th grade when we bonded over our love for 90’s pop stars. The number of times we have sung the spice girls at karaoke is unbelievable.

                “Sup Hoe” April says as I crawl into the back seat. I smiled back at her.

Devon whipped his head around and exhaled before saying, “I swear to God Luc, if you don’t try this year, you are going to be stuck single again. All year long.”

“God you sound like my mother!” I yelled before buckling my seat belt. April snorted before backing out of my driveway.

                “He’s right, you know,” April stated, “you might wanna up your game a little this year. Flash a little stomach. Wear some more make-up. Land yourself a man!”

I rolled my eyes at her. April had been dating this guy Brian for six months now, and she feels like she is now wise in all things male oriented. Devon, who has also been seeing this guy Matt on and off this summer, is no better.

                “I don’t know guys. Shouldn’t a guy like me for who I am? Is that whole idea dead now?” I asked, picking at the hole in my jeans.

They looked at each other before saying “Yep” in perfect unison. We call laughed as we pulled into Dukesmont High School, the personal hell I’d finally be getting out of in 9 months. We piled out of April’s car and began our journey into our senior year. I looked around the court yard, seeing the familiar faces of our fellow seniors and the fresh faces of the freshmen. I felt bad for them, knowing they had four more years in this shit stand.

April, Devon and I all parted ways to go to our separate homerooms to collect our schedules. I sat down in a seat as I saw my friend Kenny walk in. I gave him a small wave. He saw me and gave me a huge smile. Woah, I guess he got his braces off over the summer. He looks good. He slid into the seat beside me.

                “Lucy Lucy Lucy” He breathed out. I gave him a smirk.

                “Kenny Kenny Kenny” I teased back to him. He chuckled at me before handing me my schedule.

                “They were giving them out, but you didn’t get yours dummy.”

                “Well thank you!” I said to him, taking my schedule. I looked at the classes I had and sighed. 

·         First- World History with Ms. Cross

·         Second- Drama 4 with Mr. Richards

·         Third- Advanced Biology with Mrs. Turner

·         Lunch

·         Fourth- Math 4 with Dr. Harris

·         Firth- A Free Period

·         Sixth- Advanced Literature with Mr. Johnson

I looked it over again, memorizing everything. Drama, History and Biology will be a breeze in the mornings. The only think I’ll have to worry about is that math. I handed mine to Kenny to compare ours.

“Sweet. We have bio together, but that’s it” He said, handing me back my schedule. I gave him a smile before we settled in to hear the morning announcements.

After we were dismissed, I walked down the hall to find my history class. I was walking around the corner when I ran smack into someone. I heard papers fly and coffee spilling.

                “Shit! I am so sorry!” I said as I bent down and tried to pick up the papers that has fallen to the ground. So much for an accident free first day right?

                “Hey, you’re okay. Neither of us were watching where we were going. I am equally to blame.” A warm voice said. I looked up at met a pair of honey brown eyes. The man smiled at me before standing up. He offered me a hand to help me up. I took it, still making eye contact with him.

                “Are you okay? I didn’t hit you too hard did I?” He chuckled at me. His chuckle gave me butterflies in my stomach and I immediately wanted to hear him chuckle again.

                “No I’m good! Sorry about that, I’m such a klutz! I’m surprised how I’m even still alive” I nervously laughed to myself, suffering from a total embarrassment meltdown inside my head. 

He smiled at me before sticking out his hand, “I’m Eric Johnson. It’s nice bumping into you.” I smiled sheepishly, shaking his hand.

                “Lucy Arring. Nice bumping into you, too.” He gave me a warm smile.

                “Well, see you around, Lucy Arring.” He nodded at me before walking down the hall. I watched him go, thinking to myself what an idiot I was, and how much I’d like to talk to him again.

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