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This is what the letters mean when people are talking just incase you're confused here is an example~

L "Hey how are you?"

L- Liam

H- Harry

LT- Louis

N- Niall

Z- Zayn

C- Cloe

A- Alyssa

T- Teryn

~~~ Chapter Two ~~~

Cloe's POV~

We got to school and look around and see no new faces. Well we thought we didn't intill we looked by the fence.

"Hey look at those five guys by the fence" I said.

"They are hawt!" Alyssa replied.

"We should go talk to them" said Teryn.

"No not yet we should wait." I said abd they agreed.

We look at them for another second and start walking. As soon as we start walking I seen them stare at us out the corner of my eye.

*The one on the end on the left looked perfect he looked like a model, the one beside him had blonde hair and pretty blue eyes, in the middle of all the boys was a boy with his hair slicked up and and had brown eyes, beside him was a boy with really curly hair and beautiful dark green eyes, and then beside him was a boy with brown hair that was flat and has blue eyes. *

We go to the office to get our schedules. None of us have the same homeroom which made us mad but oh well. I have Mrs.Williams, Teryn has Mr.Rogers, and Alyssa has Mrs.Day. We go our separate ways to class. Before I go to class I stop at my locker in the only one in the hallway because I don't get in trouble because my aunt is the principal and I don't like class. As I'm getting my stuff one of the five boys (the one that was in the middle of all of them) came to my locker and closed it.

C "Umm excuse you! Who da fuck do you think you are?!" I yelled.

L "Well that's a nice first impression, but next time you might want to be a little nicer and I'm Liam Payne." he said.

C "Sorry you came our of nowhere and closed my locker so it just came out. I'm Cloe Robertson." I said.

L "So Cloe why are you not in class?"

C "My aunt is the principal so I pretty much do whatever I want to."

L "Oh well aren't you lucky? So you aren't the nicest out the bunch are you."

C "No I never will be but I'm not always mean I'm also nice you can ask almost anyone!"

L "Okay don't get mad haha, would you like to skip with me?"

C "Well I don't know you, but sure why not. You gotta car?

L "Yeah if course. Let's go!"

He grabbed my had, I dropped my bag and we started running threw the hallways

We went to his car and got in.

C "Where are we going?"

L "You'll see when we get there. I guess you won't get in trouble for this?"

C "No I'll get in major trouble but oh well life is made for taking risk!"

L "I like that, I like you."

C "Oh well thanks"

L "So why don't we get to know each other."

C "Okay how old are you? I'm 16."

L "17 have you ever had a real relationship?"

C "Well I've been in relationships but they weren't like real ones I mean the longest I dated someone was for 3 months"

L "Oh do you want a real relationships?"

C "Yeah I guess so why?"

L "Just wondering."

We rode for about ten more minutes and then arrived to our destination.

He took us to Santa Fe a place to eat.

We went in and got a table. Our waiter came he was around our age.

"Hey my name is Jace and I will be your waiter what would like like to eat?" he said.

C "A salad."

L "A steak."

He was staring at me and smiling the whole time and I could tell Liam was getting jealous.

After we eat we get in the car.

*Baby you're so classic*

(that's my ringtone)

C "It's my aunt!"

L "Well answer it!"

C "Hey Aunt Sarah."

AS "Little bitch don't hey aunt Sarah me

L "Damn your aunt is mean!"

C "Shut up Liam (I said it in a low voice so she couldn't hear me)

AS "Where the hell are you at?"

C "In a car"

AS "Well get your little white ass back to this school NOW!"

C "Okay fine ruin all the fun!"

AS "And when you get to this school you and your little friend come to my office bye!"

C "Okay so I just got us in trouble sorry"

L "It's okay like you said life is for making risk and we did"

When we got to school we went to Aunt Sarah's office.

AS "Who the hell is that Cloe?!"

C "This is Liam Payne he's new."

L "Hey"

AS " So you skip school with someone you don't know, you have major problems!"

C "Oh well thanks I see how much you love me, but you can't do anything to me because I'm just like you when you were young!"

AS "Man you suck, you're right! Fine just go to class and Liam don't you lay a finger on her!"

L "Don't worry I won't"

C "Thanks okay and don't ever say that to anyone again and bye!"

After we left it was time to go home. So I found Teryn and Alyssa. When I got to them the first thing they said was where were you at! After they say that Liam and the four other boys walk up to us. Teryn and Alyssa stare at me in confusion while I grin looking at Liam.

L "Hey Cloe"

C "Hey Liam"

N "How do yall know each other and btw your hot?!"

L "Yall asked where I was and here is your answer. Cloe."

N "So you ditched us to be with a hotty so unfair!"

C "Thanks and oh wow"

A "So who are yall?"

L "Oh sorry let me introduce yall. This is Harry, Niall, Louis, and Zayn.

C "This is Alyssa and Teryn.

L.H.N.LT.Z "Nice to meet yall!"

C.A.T "Yall too but we gotta get going so bye."

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