FIGHT With My Dying Will!

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-Tsuna's POV-

'What number 1 Hitman?! He's just a sadistic, abusive psychopath!'

All he ever did was hit me, punch me and kick me. Oh yes, let's not forget he also shot me in the head.

Let's have a flashback on that shall we?


I was walking to school with Reborn on my head. During my morning walks to school, I sometimes happen to cross paths with some of my classmates. One of them was Sasagawa Kyoko-the school idol. I have to admit that i like her. Not because she's pretty-which she is- but because she's kind to everyone she meets. She never judge, never discriminate. Although she's a little of an airhead, her heart's always in the right place.

Plus, this is just my personal feeling, but I feel as though I've met her before which is strange because I have never talked to her before today.

Though we are in the same class with one another, I never get a chance to talk to her. Mainly because I'm the class loser while she's the class idol. I don't want to cause trouble for her with my status. Thus, I'm always happy if I ever see her outside of school which is what I happened to see today.

"Uwaa! What a cute baby! What's your name?" She cooed at Reborn.

"Ciaossu! I'm Reborn!" Reborn answered with his high nasally voice.

'Is it just me? Or does his voice sounds higher than usual?'

"Hi Reborn-chan! You're so adorable. Is he your brother?" Kyoko asked.

It took me a few seconds to register that that question was directed to me.

"E-er....Y-Yeah...I mean No. No, he's not. He's just a kid we took in for the time being." I lied. I'm not going to tell anyone that this baby here is my home tutor!

Kyoko smiled at me and I felt myself return the smile. 'Oh my gosh! She's so cute when she smiles.'

"O-ho. So you like her?" Reborn's voice interrupted my thoughts. It was then I realized that she's already left while I stupidly stood there staring after her.

"N-no I don't! She's the school idol. Not someone like a 'dame' can be with." I stated.

"Have you even tried? If you don't have the resolve to do something, how would you ever know whether or not you can succeed?"

"Huh?" I find it very unexpected that this baby here would give such good-sounding advice. But the next part reminded me again of how crazy he is.

Raising a gun in his hand, he smirked. "I need you to die for me." I never thought he would actually pull the trigger so my guard was down. I heard the trigger being pulled but didn't have time to jump out of the way. The bullet hit right in the center of my forehead, throwing me backwards onto the ground.

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