The Boys Encounter

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"BAMBAM!!!" Suyeon yelled 

"what?" I said innocently 

"why did you say th-"Suyeon was RUDELY interupted

Suyeon opened the door but I coudn't see who it was. Then J and Yugyeom was out of the room 

"F-f-f-frank" J said uneasily 

'who is that?' I  asked in my head and looked at Yugyeom if he knew but all I got was a ready to kill Yugyeom. Suyeon let them in yes there are two of them one with jet black hair and one with red hair

"Suyeon who are they?" I asked going near her and putting my arm around her waist and received a glare from jet hair.


and of course Bambam smirked at the jet hair.

"ahh Bambam this is Nate, Nate-oppa this Bambam" Suyeon introduced now it was the time for Bambam to glare and Nate to smirked just beacuse of the word "oppa"

"Frank Yugyeom- Yugyeom Frank" J tried to introduce while the two just glared at each other

"ohh, plaese sit all FOUR of you" Suyeon said sitting down and Nate and Bambam sat next to Suyeon. J on the other hand was sitting with Frank and Yugyeom in the dinning room. 

**** TO SUYEON****

"Nate Lee" nate extending his arm to Bambam

"Bambam, Suyeon's Boyfriend" he said teasingly shooking Nate's hand still glaring at each other

"ahh-----" Suyeon said as the two boys immediately looked at her

"yes SWEETIE" Bambam said recieving a glare from Nate

"hey it's okay OPPA is here" Nate said recieving a glare from Bambam 

"does anyone want a drink?" Suyeon said breaking the glares from the two

"sure thing HUN"  Bambam said glaring at Nate

"thank you, Suyeon OPPA will want that" Nate said glaring back

"okay, I'll be back" Suyeon said 

'why am I glaring at the dude just beacuse of the word oppa.........................ohh I know It's my pride........yeah I am her boyfriend so it's natural. I think? right?' Bambam thought

'It's okay Nate It's all professional but why is he glaring at me?....................Does h-h-he like Suyeon? No it can't be..............Serial Killers can't love" Nate thought as Suyeon got back with Lamonade juice


When I got back with the juice all I saw was.









( =.=)~vs~(=.= )

   N     &       B       reaction

"umm here you go" I said nervously 

"thanks" they said in unison still glaring at each other

'J I hope your okay' i thought

Must date the serial killer (got7 fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang