One: do you remember?

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"Do you remember the night?" The psychiatrists' voice was soft and warm like a... Like a, um, well I don't exactly know what it was like if I'm honest, that whole day I'd been prodded and poked and now this dude asks about something I said I'd never talk about again.

"Frank, please answer truthfully, do you remember that night?" He got impatient with me real fast. It wasn't his fault though I just made people mad, it's kinda my thing, he was actually really nice it's just that I tend to get on the wrong side of some people.

"Frank please just, cooperate for once, for me?" He sounded tired, I felt sorry for him. And I don't like feeling things; it made me part of the human race. Humans were sloppy and emotions always just got in the way of what a person really wanted. I won't let dumb emotions get in the way of what I want. It's not that I don't feel emotions, that's the problem. My emotions can change so vastly, so quickly so instead of separating them, I mix them into an almost deadly concoction of feeling. When you mix emotions up, they always end up the same way like colours. When you mix twenty different colours you're almost certain to get a disgusting brown that if it were a part of a painting, the whole painting would be ruined and would never be allowed to interact with other paintings, well I took that metaphor too far, but you get the picture right? 

haha, get the picture

"What night? I don't recall a specific night with any importance." Ooh nicely said, you really sounded believable that time.

"Please Frank, you know what I'm talking about. For God sake, it's a very unforgettable experience! she was murdered!!"  Oh man! He got angry... This is going to be fun.

"Oh! That night I do remember!
Silly me how could I forget my mother being murdered right in front of me?" I could see him trying not to hit me. No he's too nice he'd probably just swear at me then he'd punish himself as if he hit me. Man, I bet I could punish him better.

"Please your making this harder than it has to be." Dr Benzedrine looked disappointed, but that's probably from him raising his voice at me, what a pussy

"how about we talk less about that and more about what happened today?" man, I bet he loves it when I take control. Ok, Frank, too far.

"sure frank whatever makes you more comfortable. So... Frank, why did you kill Gerard Arthur Way?"


Hey there! I'm not really that good at writing, so I hope this is ok! I have written other story's but I never really finish them, so I'm counting this as my first story! But I promise this one I'll try and get past at least five chapters XD I'm not entirely sure myself where this story is going, so get ready for it to descend into randomness slowly!

enjoy the trainwreck

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