Two: It's not safe out here

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walking sucks, especially when you're veeery drunk 

eheh I'm veeeeeeeeeerryyyyyyyy drunk I'm not reaaly allowed to be because it's a 'threat to my health' or whatever but I don't care and neither do they. Not my mum, my doctor or my borderline mute brother! but I have nowhere else to go so whaateever I'm going to have to walk home and hear them moaan on and on and on and ooon.

I may have thrown up a teensy bit all over myself aswell, but I can handle myself. 

doo doo doot walking home yeah! do doo dooo!

I'm bored, and it's cold, and it's dark, and I don't like it. Is that dude following me? Nah, don't be duuumb. 

"Hey, you, HEY!! Gerard!" a man stepped out of his car, the car I thought was following me earlier. he was a short man... heehee he's very short hahaha  

"HAHAHAHAA!" I couldn't stop laughing he was sooooo short!! hahahahehehe!!

"HAHAHA, YOU'RE SOOO SHORT! AHAHAHAAA!!" I'm being meaaan, but it was too funny.

"ok Gerard you're very drunk, get in the car, and I'll drive you home." the shoort man opened the passenger door for me.

I didn't tell him where I live, but he drove off anyway "hey, dude, I didn't say where I live!" I didn't even know him, god Gerard you're so dumb!!

"Oh, sweetheart I know it's not safe out here or at your house. I'm taking you home with me!" he giggled no it was more like a chuckle like an evil dude outta a duumb cartoon.

He stopped the car at a red light then he pulled out a needle.

"no thankies, I'm good I don't like needles" I tried to sound chill but I sounded very scared, very, very scared.

"Don't worry sweetcheeks; this won't hurt" It was a lie when he smiled and said 'you won't feel a thing.'

then I saw black.

idk if that was good but whatever XD 

if you have specific requests or critiques for me please either message me or leave a comment!

enjoy the trainwreck

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