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chapter 16 has been updated
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today was just like any other regular sunny day in seoul. it was also the day when heejin had her whole day already planned out, which is, to sleep in until the afternoon.

but that plan was now cancelled, as her best friend had just invited her to watch their first live performance in m countdown.

so now, in this hot sunny day, outside the m countdown building, stood lee heejin, waiting in a line together with other stray kids' fangirls. "aish, why did it have to be so hot today.." she muttered under breath as she slid down the wall behind her.

she opened up her phone and decided to text jisung to kill some time. few seconds had passed before he answered and a notification came up on her phone.

she smiled as she felt her cheek blush when she saw the picture he sent her. she'd be lying to herself if she said she didn't find him good-looking.

soon after, a deep voice of a man blared through their ears, telling those who were waiting for 'stray kids', can now enter the studio.

heejin got up from her position and looked at the ticket that was on her hand. the ticket said 'stray kids' in it and the word 'vip' was written in big red letters.

she followed the girls that were on the line, locking her phone in the process. in results of her not noticing that jisung had sent her following messages, together with the picture of him and bang chan.

they all soon got in to the studio, and heejin decided to text her best friend and to ask where he was.

she got her answer from hyunjin soon enough and she looked around the studio to find the door that will be leading to the backstage. a guard that was standing beside a black door gave her the clue that it might be it.

gathering up her confidence, together with a couple of deep breaths, she walked up the man and showed him her ticket as hyunjin had instructed her to do.

the man squinted his eyes when he read the ticket and gave her a small nod, then opened the door for her.

she walked in and a hallway full of doors welcomed her as soon as she stepped in. there were staffs walking around, some were panicking or in a hurry, and some were heading inside to the waiting rooms.

her eyes scanned the area and the names of the groups that were stuck to the door. hyunjin told her to find the door with the 'stray kids' word printed onto it, but all she had been seeing was 'momoland', 'red velvet', 'jbj', and many more other groups she had heard before.

the last door was her luck, and just like her hunch, it was the door. she took a deep breath, and made a small knock.

a few seconds had passed and she thought that her knock might've been too quiet, so she decided to knock again. just as her fist landed on the door, it suddenly opened, revealing a tall panicky hyunjin.

he smiled at her and closed the door behind him ever so carefully so she couldn't see even a glimpse of the members. "heejin!" he said with glee.

"you made it! how was the waiting? was there a lot of people?" he asked, feeing the rush of excitement take over him. "it was bad. it was so hot today.. if it weren't for you, i would still be asleep by now.. tssk, you just had to ruin my plans.." she said, scoffing at him.

"you'll thank me later.." he said which made heejin look at him confused. "uhm, you ready for your performance?" she asked as he looked at hyunjin's outfit.

"of course! don't i look handsome?" he asked, stroking his hair. "handsome? i'm sorry, i don't know the meaning of that word.." heejin answered, coughing.

hyunjin gave her a straight face and she bursted out into laughter. "aish.. why was i ever friends with you.." he muttered at her. "anyways." he said.

"you should go now and find a good spot to watch us from!" he said, as if he was trying to shoo her away. she looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and wondered why he was suddenly in a hurry.

"stray kids! please make your way to the stage!" a voice of one of the staffs echoed throughout the busy hallway. "i h-have to go prepare.. so uhm you should go out.. like now..!" he said.

he heard the handle of their waiting room turn, but he held onto it, preventing the members that were inside to open the door.

"uhm, aren't you going to introduce me to your membe-" she asked. "no! you'll see them later! now go!" he shouted, still with his hand on the twisting handle.

heejin tilted her head and mumbled to herself. "why is he acting so weird.." but then she remembered. he had always been weird.

with that thought in mind, she left the backstage and made her way out to the studio where the fans and stage is.

meanwhile, the struggling hyunjin finally had let go of the door handle as soon as he saw heejin's figure disappear from his sight, revealing the members and a confused jisung.

"what happened?" changbin asked, pretending not to know. "u-uhmm.. the door might've been jammed.." hyunjin reasoned out. "weird.." jisung mumbled.

"stray kids, stage in five!" hyunjin sighed in relief and followed his members who was now making their way to the stage. "you guys ready?" chan asked as he placed his earphone in his ear.

"ready!" they answered together.


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