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chapter 18 has been updated
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"wahhh! let's go!" heejin cheered as she arm-in arm pulled jisung together with her into the entrance of the theme park.

jisung stood there in awe of the place. it was definitely a huge theme park. "what should we ride first, hm?" heejin asked with a big smile stuck to her face.

"oh- wait! let's go get headbands first!" she said as they both walked over to the headband stand.

"what should we get?" jisung asked. "hm, should we get a matching one?" heejin suggested. jisung nodded as they both decided to try one different kinds.

"oh? agasshi!" heejin looked up and saw the seller of the stand smiling at her. "aren't you the girl that came here last time?" the woman asked.

heejin remembered and smiled. "ahh! yes, that was me. annyeonghaseyo~" she greeted with a big smile.

the woman nodded then looked over to jisung. "and who is this young man? your boyfriend?" she asked. jisung couldn't help but smile to himself and nod while he slinged his arm around heejin.

"yes, ahjumma.." the lady smiled and pointed at the two. "aigoo, young love~ well then, because of that, i'll give you a discount!" the two laughed in shock.

"a-ahjumma! you don't have to-" heejin said. "oh, i insist!" the lady said. "this one-" she said, as she picked up two couple headbands.

"awwww~ thank you so much!" the two said. they paid for the headbands, and left as soon as they bidded goodbye to the lady.

"ahhh~ minnie mouse is so cute!" jisung said as he admired heejin with the headband on her head. "you too, mickey mouse." she said with a smile.

the couple walked around the theme park, debating on which rides they should go on first. "let's ride that!" heejin shouted as she pointed at the tall rollercoaster ride.

jisung's eyes widened and he suddenly started to feel nervous. "t-that?!" he said. "c'mon!" heejin said as she pulled jisung with her to the ticket line of the ride.

once they got in, the staffs directed them to the coaster and heejin chose to sit in the front, which jisung highly disapproved of.

"it's going to be fun- don't worry!" heejin said as she tried to calm her shaking boyfriend down. a chuckle left her lips as she saw him starting to turn really pale.

"just hold on tig- ahhhhh!"

the coaster ride started and jisung's screaming was the only thing that could be heard throughout the whole ride.

after the ride was done, a speechless jisung was left shocked in his seat. "are you okay?" heejin asked, chuckling.

"i think my soul just left my body.."

heejin laughed and patted him on the shoulder. "yep, you're fine." she said as both of them stood up from their seats and started to make their way out.

"that was fun, wasn't it?" heejin asked and jisung shooked his head furiously. a big "no!" was his only answer.

the two decided to make their way to a food stand and bought themselves churros and two cups of ice cream. "kamsahamnida." they said in a chorus.

"let's sit here." jisung said as he pulled out a chair for heejin. he sat down beside her and they both ate the churros together.

"hmm~ this is good." jisung said while chewing. heejin smiled as she saw his cheeks puff up. "hamster." she said as she poked it.

jisung grinned while chuckling and fed her a churro. "ohhh, it is good." heejin said.

the two ate quietly as they both finished up their ice cream cups when suddenly, heejin looked at jisung with a funny idea that came into her mind. she smiled to herself and quickly scooped the last bits of her ice cream with her fingers and poked it onto his nose.

"yah-!" jisung paused. heejin laughed to herself and suddenly started running away. "yah- lee heejin!" jisung called.

he started chasing after her but the slow runner heejin is, jisung caught up to her. with that, he trapped her in his arms as he started tickling her sides.

"aghh- alright-! alright! i'm sorry- ahahaha! please just stop-!" she said in between laughs. he did stop, eventually, leaving the two of them panting in exhaustion from all the running.

"you're a ticklish person aren't you?" jisung asked. "was it obvious?" heejin asked sarcastically and jisung laughed as an answer.

"hahaha, sorry.." he said. heejin looked at jisung and walked over to him. she slowly wrapped her arms around him and smiled as she leaned on his shoulder.

jisung chuckled and scoffed at the sudden action of his girlfriend. "a-aegyo? really-" he asked.

he scoffed again as he shooked his head, trying to slap himself to from the trance of the cuteness heejin was doing. he did, found her totally endearing. "y-you better not be showing this side of yours to other guys.." jisung mumbled.

"ah, you mean hyunjin?" heejin teased. "i only do aegyo to him when i want food." she chuckled. "i don't do this to him though-"

heejin went on her tiptoes and left a small peck on his cheeks, leaving jisung dumbfounded yet again.

"w-why would you do t- aish.." he muttered which made heejin chuckle. he turned heejin around making her face him, still with her arms wrapped around him.

he cupped her head and slowly pulled her closer to him, leaving a peck on her forehead. "is your heart beating fast too?" heejin asked. jisung chuckled and nodded.

"you're the only person who makes my heart go like this.." he said.

"hm.. you too, jisung.." she said.



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a/n: sorry for the delay of this chapter but aghhh!! its finally come to an end ㅠㅠ i honestly enjoyed writing this story so much and i hope you guys enjoyed reading it too!! however, i will be posting two more bonus chapters later tonight ;)) so anticipate that ;)) thank you all so much!!

also, i have another jisung fanfic that i'm also writing which is called "broken hearts". so if anyone wants to read it, feel free to check that out in my profile!!

much love to all of you,

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