t h r e e

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t h r e e |  Try to Remember

The lady, scratch that, girl, stared at me teary eyed. "What do you mean 'who are you?' " She asked me as a tear escaped her left eye.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you. You might wanna refresh my memory by telling me who you are ma'am" I said politely as I smiled.

"Louis," She stopped as a sob escaped her lips.

"Who's Louis?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity.

She gasped loudly, almost like she realized something. "I know what you're doing" She started laughing loudly. Whoa, Psycho much? Seconds earlier she was crying her eyes out and now she's laughing her lungs out. "You're playing a trick on me. This is one of your pranks again huh? Louis? You must be joking right?" She kept shooting questions at me with eyes full of hope. As if hoping that I would remember her.

"I'm sorry, but you didn't answer my question. Who.are.you?" I asked slowly. "And who is this Louis guy you keep talking about? For all I know, my name is...is...is---" What the? What's my name again?

"You're name is Louis" she whispered "I'm Eleanor, you're girlfriend" She explained. Oops, I called my girlfriend a psycho... What she doesn't know won't hurt her right?

"How could I forget my name? And holy, even my girlfriend!" I spoke to the ceiling.

"How old am I?" I asked once again.

"You're twenty years old." She said starting to cry once again.

And then I noticed my head, left leg and my right shoulder were all bandaged.

"Where do I live?" I asked, trying to remember. But, no luck.

"You live in Doncaster" She was crying full on now.

"Where are we?" If I lost my memory, I might as well know where I am right now.

"We're in Cheshire, you moved here."

After a few more questions and tears that were shed, the nurse came in, wide eyed. "You're supposed to wake up a week after... It's only been three days..uhmm" She stuttered in shock.

"Yeah, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm awake." I smirked.

"Are you experiencing any pain?" I shook my head as a no. "Nothing at all?Are you sure?" she went on and on. "No ma'am" I smiled.

"Oh uhmm, I'll call the doctor to ask if you may be released already., It looks like your mum payed for your hospital bills already. uhhh I'll be back" she went out the door to look for the doctor I suppose.

The atmosphere in the room was so thick and awkward. I mean she's my girlfriend, but I don't know why I don't feel the love.

I decided to speak up. "Why didn't you move to Cheshire with me?" I, of course, the one who lost his memory, asked another question.

She cried even louder than before,if that was even possible.

"Y-you, broke up w-with m-me." She closed her eyes. "What? Why?" I asked.

"Y-you said you didn't feel the love be-because you're g-gay-y" She hiccuped through her sentence.

"Oh" was all I managed to say. So that's why I couldn't feel the love. I was gay.

"Am I going back to my house here in Cheshire? Because I want to." I spoke up again.

Eleanor started to calm down and her cries died down.

"Your house is gone, Louis. You were attacked by a robber and he shot you twice and punched you as you hit your head hard on the cement. After that, he burned your house down." She explained.

The air was once again filled with tension and awkwardness. No one tried to break it. So I decided to break it again.

"I guess I'll have to search for a house first thing tomorrow, if I get out of this hell hole"

The door opened up, revealing the doctor. "Hello Louis! I'm suprised you woke up this early! You were in a coma, since you hit your head quite hard. And you happened to lose your memory."

"Yeah..." I breathed out. I didn't know it was this hard to lose your memory. "Will I be able to go home today?"

"No, I'm sorry, but you just woke up. You'll have to stay here for another day. You'll be allowed to go home tomorrow, Louis. For the meantime, Eleanor, darling, please get something for Louis here to eat." He explained.

"Alright" Eleanor replied standing up from the end of my bed.

When she left, I was left alone with the doctor and a few nurses. The nurse whispered something in the doctor's ear and the doctor turned to face me. "Son, you have visitors waiting for you outside. Shall I send them in?" He asked with a smile.


"Okay, I'll leave you alone then." He smiled as he walked out of the door.

Just after he walked out, the door opened up again, revealing a woman and lots of girls. There were even twins.

"Louis! Are you alright? Oh my, you must be hungry! I'll get some food for you." She said in a rush.

"No ma'am!" I stopped her before she barely took three steps. "Elounor already got me some food, she's at the cafeteria at the moment. And who are you?" I also said in a rush.

"I'm your mum. I almost forgot to tell you" She laughed, but pain and sadness were obvious in her eyes.

"Its okay mum. Are these my sisters?" I asked pointing to the girls that were lined up next to my bed.

"Yes, they are your sisters." She smiled.

"May I please know their names?" I asked.

"Of course. This is Charlotte, but everyone calls her Lottie. This over here is Fizzy. And of course, the twins, Pheobe and Daisy." she finished as the girls smiled at me.

"Well? Where's the hugs?" I laughed as I opened my arms and they hugged me one by one.

"Mum, I was thinking that maybe you could help me look for a new house tomorrow when I get out." 

"Are you sure you don't want to come back to Doncaster with us?" She asked.

"No mum, I want to stay here in Cheshire."

"Why though?" She asked. 

"It's like, this place is somehow calling me to stay here. I don't know why really. But I guess I just like it here." I explained.

"Well, if that is what youcwant. Then, of course I'll help you." she smiled sadly.

"Thanks mum"

"Anythi---" she was cut off when the door was suddenly opened, revealing a boy that looked awfully familiar to me.

"Something happened to your girlfriend"





ooooh cliffhanger!

So who do you think the boy is? And what do you think happened to Eleanor?

Comment your guesses in the comment box below.

Word Count: 1,140

- Jessica

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