Chapter 3

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"Hey, you done yet?" Jackson called out to me as I was throwing up. We had pulled over I demanded we did. I was now behind the car throwing up cause of the picture of the guy I killed going through my head. I looked up and I could see the store we haven't gone that far.

"Yeah I uh I think I'm done," I walked back into his view. "Sorry about making us stop."

"Don't worry you'd do the same," he smiled at me trying to make me feel better it kinda worked.

"Yeah I would," I got back into the car and looked over to Mar.

"Are you sure you're not sick?" She had a worried look on her face with a bit of fear sprinkled in.

"Yeah don't worry I'm fine it's just what happened that's all," I gave her a weak smile to reassure her I think it worked cause she smiled back at me.

"Alrighty then you two let's head into the city," he started the car back up and we went on our way again. We saw a few cars on the side of the road people still inside some of them they weren't infected. Some of the cars were broken down I could see people trying to fix them most were abandoned probably because of it being beyond repair or running out of gas.

"Do you know how much longer until we get there I don't wanna end up like these guys leaving their cars on the street," I was a bit worried about this but I kept a straight face.

"Don't worry we should get there before we run out unless we take any detours. I hope we don't take any detours."

"Well it's pretty calm right now and you know what they say the calm before the storm," I joked but I think he took it literally.

"Yeah you're right let's just hope there's no storm that comes," he had a worried look om his face.

"I'm sure that if there is one we are prepared," I gave him a smile and looked over to Mar. "Right Mar?"

"Yeah I'm sure we can hold on our own," she gave him a smile as well.

"Well then I'm glad about that cause we're in the city," he said as slowed down while driving through. There were people on the sidewalk obviously panicked there were a few kids here and there crying for their parents. Some parents yelling their kids name looking for them the worlds gone crazy everybody's gone wild. We could see a few zombies walking around some people were fighting them others were running. There were bodies everywhere people shaking them to try and wake them up others were eating them.

"Fucking hell these poor people," I said as we saw the madness. A few cars were still operational but we had to slow down as many were just stopped in the road.

"There's nothing we can do for them now we have to keep going," Jackson continued driving down the street. That's when a mob of people started panicking and were running away from something I didn't know what but we couldn't move forward. "What're they running from?" Jackson asked as he was looking behind him trying to see what it was.

"Probably some of those things like you said there might be some infected here but how many are infected here?" I thought someone might've started shooting and everybody panicked but we would've heard gunshots. Someone started screaming then a zombie appeared in my window I jumped at it.

"We have to leave now," Jackson said as he started moving the car forward now it went slowly considering that there were a lot of people. "Fuck fuck fuck! We're trapped," he started honking the horn trying to get people to move. Some moved out of the way but the most of them continued moving in front.

"I'd suggest we'd walk but we might get lost," I said still looking out the window seeing the people running.

"It might be the only option we have," Jackson said a bit afraid. "Ah fuck it try to stay together," he said as he grabbed his duffel bag and exited the car.

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