Chapter 2

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I woke up a few hours later I had fallen asleep and didn't even notice. I looked to my left and Mar was asleep her head on my shoulder I looked to the front and Jackson was driving the car the radio was on.

"The government has locked down all forms of transportation outside of the country since they haven't heard of any reports of the disease in other countries and wish for it to not spread. The army has ports and airports on lockdown we recommend staying out of the way you may have a chance of getting shot. We hope this isn't the last time we sign off goodbye," Jackson quickly turned it off after that.

"So this whole zombie apocalypse thing's not a dream?"

"Nope not a dream real all real what'd you forget?" He looked at me through the mirror.

"No just making sure that it's actually happened," I yawned. "How long was I asleep for?"

"A few hours you both fell asleep a little after we left," he smiled. "You fell asleep first then Mar put her head on your shoulder you guys looked so peaceful."

"Yeah, yeah I get it so what you didn't wake us or something?" My cheeks were red a bit from what he said.

"No I didn't plan on waking either of you up nothing was wrong. Anyways I was thinking we could stop really quick I haven't seen anything yet, and by anything I mean the zombies. The news says they've been going town to town killing people some have begun to fight back there have been small buildings barricaded and people inside. The army's trying to help but I'm not sure if they can," he had a grim look on his face. I moved Mar a bit and started putting my hair into a ponytail.

"Sure we can stop for a bit and when she wakes up don't mention any of that stuff to her please?"

"Sure I won't mention nothing might want to wake her up now we're almost there," he smiled reassuring me.

"Right I'll wake her up," I shook her a bit. "Hey Mar wake up come one wake up already," she moved a bit then she sat up.

"What is it? What's going on?" I smiled

"Nothing we're just going to pull over for a bit maybe grab some more supplies can never have too many or maybe you can I'm not sure," I smiled. She started to touch my hair.

"Wow it's been some time since I've seen your hair like this. I like it," she smiled back at me. "Anyways sounds good we can go in," as she said that Jackson pulled in to some convenience store.

"So what're we gonna get food, water, stuff for the bathroom?" I asked Jackson

"Yes, yes, and maybe. I'd use the bathroom now if you need to go we can grab the stuff and if you don't need to go then you can help me get things," he exited the car and went inside.

"Well then I guess we should go in too," I said to Mar with a smile.

"Yeah sounds good hopefully nothing bad happens," she smiled back at me. "I like you're hair in a ponytail like a lot."

"Well thanks come on," we unbuckled out seatbelts and made out way inside. It was empty nobody could be seen inside there was some food and snacks on the ground. "Geez what happened to this place?" I asked nobody in particular.

"People probably fled got scared of the news took some stuff and left as fast as they could," Jackson answered behind the counter. "Took the money too don't know why gonna be useless now maybe we'll get a new money system money's gonna be hard to find now."

"Money? What do you think it's gonna be? Bottle caps, supplies, maybe even money still?" I started walking around Mar following me.

"It could be anything I don't know it could even be water bottles," he joked smiling. "I'm gonna check the back like the very far back," he walked into the back.

"Okay! Mar you need to use the bathroom?" I asked Mar

"No do you?"

"Yea I gotta go. Mind looking for stuff?" I started making my way towards the bathroom.

"Sure I can find stuff," she smiled a bit.

"Thanks," I walked into the bathroom. It was empty as expected but there was some liquid on the floor I didn't know what it was it was kinda dark. I opened the stall doors making sure nobody was in them. "Seems clear," I said to myself when I was almost done. I opened the last stall and a zombie jumped out it caught me off guard. "Gah! What the hell," it grabbed my arm. "Hey man get the fuck off of me!" I yelled at it trying to pull my arm away. "Fine then seems like I'll have to make you!" I took out my baton, extended it and hit it in the head it was stunned for a second.

I started to beat it over the head at this point it was on the ground still trying to grab me I quickly bashed it's head in the blood landing on my clothes. After I was done I was out of breath I was breathing heavily there was blood all over the ground and on my clothes. "God that's disgusting," I quickly left the bathroom before something else decided to come out of nowhere. Mar saw me right as I came out noticing the blood I could see her eyes go wide.

"Oh my god are you okay?" She ran up to me checking me to see if I was fine.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry just ran into one of those things it tried to eat me," Jackson came out too seeing me at the same time.

"What happened you guys alright?" He walked up to me.

"Yes I'm fine there was one of those things in the bathroom," I said smiling at him letting him know I was fine.

"I knew I should've checked the bathrooms I'm sorry you could've been hurt or worse," he had a worried look on his face.

"It's not your fault I'm fine okay I took care of him by the way I would not recommend going in there," I said the last part with a smile. "Anyways let's just leave I want to get as far away from here as possible."

"Got it Mar did you grab some stuff?" Jackson asked Mar

"Yeah I did don't worry I've got it all under control," she said it with a smile reassuring him. "I put it all in my bag."

"Good job."

"Hey Jackson I thought you said it wouldn't spread super fast," I was a bit confused how I found one in the bathroom.

"He might've already been infected some people might've gotten in contact with the fungus before this might be why the place is abandoned," he had a serious look on his face.

"So you're telling me some cities might already have infected?" I was a bit alarmed by what he told me.

"Uh I mean some might not have infected and some probably already quarantined the zombies," he had a nervous smile on his face. I looked over at Mar and she had a horrified look on her face Jackson looked at her face as well. "Don't worry Mar they most likely have not been hit too hard unlike the ones where the infection started."

"Yeah Mar some cities might not have any infected either and are completely free of them," I tried to make her feel better but I don't think it was working. "Let's just uh leave I'm tired of this place. You gonna be alright Mar?" I was a bit worried about her but she nodded and smiled. I gave her a quick hug.

"Thanks Cameron I needed that," she hugged me back but quickly stopped.

"Alright you two let's go there wasn't anyone in the back so I assume that guy you found was the only one that we'll meet for now let's hope it stays that way," he left the store we followed close behind him.

"Good thing I didn't use that gun it would've probably attracted more of those things if there's any nearby," as I said that a car drove by going fast. "Man those guys are in a rush are they going the same way that we are?" I was kinda nervous hoping that they weren't.

"I sure hope not we may be going a different way but what's the chance of us going the same way that we are," he sounded nervous. "Let's just go we'll find out on the way but we've got weapons let's hope they don't have some as well," we all got in the car. He started up the car we went where we were still going I didn't know where we were going but I was sure that I would find out.

I hope you enjoyed this part I've got a lot of good ideas for this series I wonder who the people in the car is though is it multiple people? Only one person? Who knows? Oh right I do. If you liked this rate and follow if you want to that is idc if you do or don't anyways have a nice day or afternoon or whatever time it is.

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