"that doesn't make you any less annoying."

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"eddie! what is going on in there!?" sonia. the two boys shared panicked looks before getting up. eddie pointed to the closet, and without hesitation, richie tore open the door, and leaped in. eddie shoved it closed, and before opening the door, he grabbed a blanket off his bed, and wrapped it around himself, hiding the bruises on his exposed neck. he pulled open his bedroom door, and there stood his very annoyed, very tired  looking mother.

"what are  you doing!?" she yelled. eddie wiped his hands on his sweatpants, and thought up a lie. richie was holding his breath, praying eddie wouldn't mess up. 

"i was um...on the phone! yup! i was on the phone with bill!" he said quickly, pulling the blanket closer. she crossed her giant arms, and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"the voices were coming from in here...eddie! you don't...you don't have someone in there with you, do you!?" she asked, peeking around him. richie cursed quietly, his heart racing. eddie closed the door a bit more. 

"no! no, of course not! w-why would i!?" he asked, obviously becoming fidgety. sonia opened her mouth to shoot out a comeback, but the atmosphere remained silent.

"i-i..i don't know, eddie. just...jesus...just go back to bed," she stammered, rubbing her eyes. eddie quickly closed the door and locked it before she could say anything else. he dropped the blanket, and stood against the door for a few moments until he heard heavy footsteps receding down the hallway. richie knocked lightly on the closet door, not being able to open it from the inside. eddie rushed over, and ripped the door open again. richie nearly fell out, wrapping his arms around eddie and kissing his cheek.

"you idiot! i'm gonna get busted, and it'll be all your fault!" eddie whisper-yelled. he honestly was enjoying the affection that richie was showering him with. richie giggled at full volume, and eddie shushed him.

"i'm sorry, eddie spaghetti," he whispered, trying to contain his laughter. eddie sighed quietly, and lightly hit richie's arm.

"don't call me that!" he whispered as richie lifted him off the floor. i love it when you call me that. "and put me down!" he complained. don't put me down. 

"i want that kiss," richie said quietly, setting eddie down, and placed a hand on the asthmatic boy's back. eddie smiled, and re-tangled his hands in richie's hair like before.

"i love you," eddie said before softly pushing their lips together. richie pulled him closer, one hand remaining on eddie's back, and the other on his cheek. richie soon pulled away, looking at the boy in front of him.

"i love you too," he said quietly. eddie smiled widely, and hugged him tightly. i'm so, so, so in love with you, richie. please hold me. just hold on to me. make me feel loved. make me feel happy. 

"so um...i was wondering...if you would maybe uh..."

"would i like to be your boyfriend?" richie assumed, staring at the blushing boy in his arms. eddie nodded, relieved that he wouldn't have to say the life-changing sentence. richie smiled happily.

"no," he said blatantly. eddie's eyes widened slightly, and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and sadness. what? but we just kissed! and you told me you loved me! richie was sporting a smirk that angered eddie.

"i would love to be your boyfriend," richie said with a laugh. eddie suppressed a smile, and smacked richie's chest.

"you brat," he mumbled, resting his head on the taller boy's shoulder, who was turning red from laughing so hard.

"your..oh my god your face was priceless!" richie whispered, kissing the top of eddie's head.

"shut up!" eddie said, pulling away from the hug, and taking a seat on his bed. "you're so annoying!" he continued.

"you love me," richie said, flopping down next to him.

"that doesn't make you any less annoying," eddie said, smiling. richie laughed quietly, and wrapped his arms around eddie.

"so, eds. may i have the honor of calling myself your boyfriend?" he asked. eddie turned his head to look at him. he stared at the boy with black curly hair and big pink lips. the tape on richie's nose looked painful up close, and eddie saw the adorable stray freckles forming constellations on richie's red cheeks. the corner of his mouth lifted in a small smile.

"does this answer your question?" eddie asked, leaning in. their lips met once again, and richie held on tighter. eddie slowly pulled away, and smiled up at the other boy. richie laughed quietly, and nuzzled his face into eddie's shoulder.

"mhm," there was a small period of silence in which they were just there. the moment had flaws, of course, but all moments do. to Richie, it was absolutely perfect. eddie's skin was soft and delicate. the bruises were on full display, since he had washed off the makeup. richie wanted nothing more than to kiss each one and tell him things would be okay. that he would never let anything like this happen again. that he was sorry. so, so sorry for giving bowers the opportunity to put his hands on Eddie. his  eddie. 

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