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Hello beautiful, intelligent people! This is a fanfiction that has been adapted for Wattpad from my Tumblr (URL: I hope you enjoy!

A/N: I lost a bet to , so I had to write her a fanfiction. The ideas for this fic came from her amazingly creative mind, so tbh this is entirely her fault. I just did the writing. 

Disclaimer: This series was inspired by a fic I read once but cannot find anywhere (can't remember the name of website either). If anyone knows where it is, or who the author is, please tell me so I can give credit. (all I remember was that it was hella good ; IE: don't come yelling at me for "stealing" plot points)

Oh, and this story may be triggering for some readers, as it contains mentions of abuse, blood, etc. (aka Hydra being Hydra)


Y/N - your name

F/N - friend's name

So, basically H/C is your hair color and F/H/C is friend's hair color. (same with eye color, last name, skin color, etc.)

Italics - memory or translation from a different language

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