Chapter 12

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***six months later***

Both Y/N and F/N began to adjust to living in outside of a Hydra compound. They spent most of their time outside, a luxury they hadn't been granted since they were children. Most of their waking hours were spent learning and relearning things. Time hadn't stopped, and they were frantically trying to catch up on the years they missed while in isolation.

Steve and F/N began to get to know each other better, this time as adults. Bucky, Y/N, and the other Avengers secretly had bets on how long it would take for them to become a couple. Meanwhile, Bucky and F/N quickly became just as close as they were years ago, and their bond was strengthened by shared trauma.

Speaking of shared trauma, government-mandated therapy sessions quickly became enforced. Mainly by Tony, as he didn't want his multi-billion dollar building torched to ashes because someone had a nightmare. Having four very dangerous, very old, ex-Hydra super soldiers in your house is enough to make anyone wary of natural (and unnatural) disasters.

It was a warm summer day, and no one really wanted to be stuck in a shrink's office, but the threat of Tony changing the wifi password was too great. And so there they were, four highly dangerous humans crammed on a fake leather couch sitting in front of a very pretentious woman.

Bucky sat on the far left, head propped up on his hand as the shrink rambled on about introductions and this thing and that and psychoanalysis. Y/N was nestled next to him, and her hand was intertwined with his. On the other side of Rhyan, Steve Rogers sat ramrod straight, actually paying attention to what the counselor was saying. F/N was last, and she was laying on her back, bored to death. Her head was in Steve's lap, and her legs were dangling over the armrest. All four were agitated at having to sit (or lay) in one place for so long.

"So, Mr. Barnes, the girls were real after all?"

Bucky gripped an armrest of the leather couch. "Yes." He hated that therapist so much. He had been avoiding her for quite a while, but somehow Tony had wrestled him back into her stupid ass office.

"About as real as that PhD you've got there." Y/N gestured to the piece of paper on the wall. "Though I'm seriously questioning its validity... So feel free to keep thinking we're an elaborate illusion." She said dryly.

Bucky and F/N both snorted, while Steve rolled his eyes.

"As I'm sure you know, Mr. Stark has scheduled this session to help you all adapt to life in the twenty-first century, as well as learning how to interact with one another and with others."

"You mean couples therapy." Steve said candidly.

"How come we're in couples therapy when Tony is the one who can't pull his shit together with Pepper?" F/N asked.

Rhyan reached up and pecked Bucky on the cheek. "Darling, I think we need to schedule an appointment for our friends..."

F/N, who was quite smitten with technology, was already scrolling through the smartphone Tony had provided her. "Let's see... Oh! There's a lady in Queens who specializes in couples therapy! I'll text Pepper..."

"Hey, what's for dinner tonight?" Steve asked.

The therapist tried to interrupt. "So how is your exploration of pop culture changing your perspective on-"

"Natasha wants us to try something called sushi." Y/N replied, ignoring the shrink.

Bucky grunted. "I hate sushi. Give me a cooked fish any day."

Y/N frowned. "I think it's always good to try something new."

"Yes!" The therapist smiled tersely. "And how are you feeling about so many changes-"

"Not when it's raw fish." Bucky crossed his arm.

"Try it again, maybe you'll like it." F/N pointed out.

"I have." Bucky made a face. "And it was just as shitty the second time."

Steve shrugged. "Third time's the charm!"


The therapist put her head in her hands. "Mr. Stark doesn't pay me enough for this."

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