Chapter 15

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Hana's POV 

I woke up to my alarm blaring at me at 2 am. Right we have an award show today i sighed turning on the lights in the living room which my unnies probably turned off thankfully. I got up going to get my unnies so we could get ready for our music show prerecording. I first walking into Jennie and Jisoo's room since they were "easier" to get out of bed compared to Rose and Lisa. Knock Knock. i knocked before entering their room to see them sleeping. I walked over to their bed to shake them awake.

"Unnies come on we have a music show to record, let's go" ...... nothing. Then i tried again saying the same thing "Unnies come on we have a music show to record"...... nothing. That's it. i thought. I walked over to the light switch and turned on the light, which then shined on their faces.

"Gosh Hana, we are sleeping" Jennie groaned not wanting to get out of bed. Gosh these unnies always want to sleep.  I then walked over and ripped their blanket off leaving them in the cold. 

"Why Hana, i'm cold now too" Jisoo groaned at me. 

"No we have a music show to prerecord unnies please hurry up" I told them strictly since they were already getting us late.  Then Jennie finally got out of bed and walked over to Jisoo's bed and pulled her out. After that I was satisfied and then exited the room going to Rose and Lisa's room. 

When I entered I saw then dozing in bed still. Then I repeated again...

"Unnies come on we have a music show to record, let's go".... nothing. Im not dealing with this again, ughh. This time I just turned on the lights right away. 

"Stop let me sleep" Lisa mumbled half asleep. 

"Why are we even waking up this early" protested Rose mumbling as well. Nope im not going to deal with this again. "Unnies, you have to get up because we have a prerecording to record"

"Noooo" Lisa whined. At that moment I waked over the Lisa and Rose's bed and stole their blankets too. 

"Im cold now" Rose said finally awake. Then Rose got out of her bed and went to get Lisa out of hers. After I left their room I went to my room to get ready. I grabbed some clothes since we would be changing into stage outfits later anyway. After finally deciding one what clothes to where, though I only have very few option; I went into the washroom and shower. After showering I went and check how much school had done. Turned out I miss quite a bit and packed all the school stuff in a backpack to bring with me. 

I brought my school and my purse to the living to see how the unnies were going with being productive and getting ready. Turns out they were all ready and we were just waiting on our managers. Soon our managers arrived after they texted me informing me that they were going to be late because of traffic. When they arrived out our dorm we quickly left to head off. 

The car ride was a bit long, so I took the opportunity to catch up on school. I was able to finish today and one other day that I missed. Soon we were at the inkigayo place at last. I put all my school material away neatly into my bag and left it on my seat just until later. Walking toward the building there were so many different fans for different groups it was amazing, since it was my first time seeing and experiencing this. 

After we entered the building we were lead to our dressing room. We kinda rushed everything while making sure everything was perfect since we were a little bit late, as always. After we finished getting makeup done we decided to explore a bit around the building. Then me and Lisa went to go get some food and I wasn't sure what the rest went to do.

Jennie's POV

After Lisa and Hana left I decided to go meet some sunbaes outside of our dressing room. I was walking with my head buried in my phone when BOOM i crashed into someone. I looked up to see Jaemin from NCT. 

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going are you ok?" I quickly ask

"Ya i'm fine though you shouldn't be so much so buried into your phone" I replied then stuck out his hand for me to take. I gladly took it when I felt his hand there were many butterfly flying around in my stomach. Then we looked up at each other, as if we both felt the feeling. Then the unexpected happened.

" I'm actually a really big fan of your group, i like you" He said boldly

"Well a-m also a f-an of you, and it w-oul-d be gr-eat if y-ou w-ant-ed to g-o on a d-at-e with me.." I said stuttering like crazy. Then we exchanged phone numbers and told each other that we would contact over text. The truth was I didn't have a crush on him, and had stanned his group, but he seemed really bold with that. There were rumours that he was a playboy but I didn't believe so. Then I walked back to the dressing room. I wonder if I should tell my members... nahh.. I need to figure things out for a while...  i was snapped back when Jisoo stand in front me was laughing

"You look like you in deep thought, what are you thinking out"

"No-thing" I told her with the best confidence I had inside of me, which was not a lot. 

"Ohh I know your in love.." she said with a smirk. This girl knew me too well. Then I made this face at her jokingly which I'm pretty sure made her confirm that I was dating. But i ignored it was dragged her back to the dressing room. Half way there Jisoo was laughing like crazy just because I was tickling her in the way I was grabbing her wrist. When we got back to our dressing sat there going on my phone until we got called up.

"Blackpink please go on stand by" the PA system annouced. Our managers lead us there with the help of some staff. 


We were back at the dorm and went onto my phone to text Jaemin about our date. 

Jennie- Do you have a day off tomorrow so we can meet up

Jaemin- surprisingly yes

Jennie- where should we go?

Jaemin- Meet up with me at Han River at 9 pm

Jennie- are you ok with so late

Jaemin- ya of course, it would be easier with the less fans possible

Jennie- see you then

After that I went to get ready for bed. 


A/N: Sorry for the typos and errors i'm getting my friend aka she "volunteer" to correct this story (She volunteer cuz there were too many typos. This friend is @user94494876. Ok sorry it took a bit longer to make this chapter it is actually over 1K words again. Also NCT was added in because @joannjyj33 requested, thanks for requesting. Anyways thanks for reading this chapter don't forget to comment, vote and share.

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