Chapter 1: The Arrival

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A/N: Welcome to my newest story! I wrote this for both NaNoWriMo in November 2017 and for the very first Tomione Fest put on by Tomione Fanfics FB group! As part of the fest, this story won a few awards that I truly am humbled by: Best Romance, Runner-up Overall Favorite, Runner-up Best Characterization, Runner-up Best Long Story, and thanks to the amazing Sandra-Sempra for the cover piece for which she won Runner-Up Best Cover! See that amazing cover over on my Tumblr where I post every time I update at crochetawayhpff.

Whew! I'm still in awe over it. Especially since, while I love this story, I wrote it in 19 days and well, it still needed some work. So that's what I will be doing now. Going through each chapter and cleaning them up. I worked hard to stay under 50k per the fest rules, but after this clean-up, this will likely go over 50k a smidge. The first draft was over 50k by almost 4k. There was a lot of cutting that happened! So no major plot changes, just some rewriting to make things clearer. If you don't prefer to wait while I do that, read the un-cleaned-up version now over on AO3. I'll be updating there on the same timetable as here, which will be every other week until it's done.

A few things to keep in mind, this is an AU and I have made some canon changes with that AU in mind. This story was part of a fest and because of that I had a prompt to follow which was:

"A girl is found unconscious in the halls of Hogwarts, and it takes her a while to wake up and recover in the Hospital Wing. During that time, Tom hears rumors of The Girl With Nine Lives and is determined to see for himself.

The staff/Dumbledore/whoever pulled Hermione's last memory, which was Lord Voldemort casting Avada Kedavra at her, and the spell crashing into her Time-Turner and into her heart. Yet, here she is, breathing peacefully in the Hospital Wing.

Tom is determined to learn more.

Idea: Hermione has discovered the OPPOSITE of a Horcrux - she has multiplied her soul instead of divided it, allowing her to keep her sanity (and make her more powerful, if you want). Maybe she found a spell to convert the energy of unfilled life debts into extra souls (e.g. she saves Fred at DoM, Fred later dies without fulfilling life debt, ancient spell turns unfulfilled debt into an extra soul), or maybe she did a super ancient ritual from the time of Merlin, or whatever. Maybe she keeps all the souls in her self, or maybe she puts an entire soul into an object too, similar to Tom Riddle's Horcruxes. Or multiple ones. Maybe she put a soul into a brick of Hogwarts. Whatever.

But now she's back in time with Tom Riddle with bonus soul power and the knowledge that she can't die - or at least not easily.

And they totally end up kissing and as a couple by the end."

There will also be some parts of this story taken verbatim or with very slight POV changes directly from JKR's books. They will be marked as flashbacks by scene breaks and italics.

So many people helped get this fic off the ground, notable thanks go to brownlark42 for always being the best friend a woman could ask for, such as looking at a massive rewrite to this chapter with a few hours notice! Also, the following helped with beta services throughout the story: SassenachStarbuck, ladyofsilverdawn, and MrsBennettFrazier.

Please note that this story is rated M for a reason. There will be themes of torture, death, and sex below. If those aren't your cup of tea and you've made it all the way through the authors note to here, congrats and maybe turn back now. Otherwise, as always, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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