Chapter 4: Staying

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A/N: Thanks to the following folks for their assistance in helping this story along: brownlark42, ladyofsilverdawn, SassenachStarbuck, and MrsBennettFrazier

Sandra-Sempra made amazing cover art for this story. See it on my Tumblr crochetawayhpff. And let me know what you think of this chapter!

July 7, 1944

Hermione was finally released from the Hospital Wing a week after school had ended. Headmaster Dippet kept saying she would be starting the school year in the fall, which was alright for now. But Hermione was much more interested in trying to find a way back to 1998, sooner rather than later. Even if going back to her own time meant living under Voldemort's thumb, at least she knew people in the future. Here almost everybody was a stranger; even her own parents hadn't been born yet.

She pondered her options. Beginning school next year would give her access to Professor Dumbledore, the only person she did know in this time. That had to be the right answer: attend Hogwarts. It would also give her access to the library, which she desperately needed.

But what about the summer? Headmaster Dippet wasn't going to let her stay at Hogwarts over the summer. He hadn't let Tom Riddle stay, despite knowing he was going back to a Muggle orphanage. Should she appeal to Professor Dumbledore? She would have to track him down before she was kicked out of Hogwarts. She hadn't had a chance to speak privately with him. She needed to know what to do. Was it ever going to be possible to go forward in time?

Madam Davies swept the curtain aside. Hermione had just finished dressing in the clothes she'd arrived in. They had been cleaned and repaired but were horribly out of place. Shopping would have to be one of the first things she did. She dug through her beaded bag as Madam Davies cast yet another diagnostic charm over her.

Hermione had her arm in the bag up to her shoulder when Headmaster Dippet also arrived. Hermione found what she was looking for and pulled out her old school robes. She slipped it over her head, hiding her Muggle clothes completely.

"Much better, Miss Granger," Headmaster Dippet said in approval. "Would you follow me?"

Hermione nodded and stood from the bed.

"Alright," Madam Davies said. "I pronounce her ready to face the world once more. I don't want to see you back here for a long while," Madam Davies scolded. She reminded Hermione so much of Madam Pomfrey, at that moment, that she felt a lump form in her throat. It hadn't really hit her until this moment, but she was horrifically homesick.

She blinked back her tears as she followed the headmaster out of the Hospital Wing. As they headed toward the grand staircase, she thought that he was escorting her from the premises and felt a moment of panic. But then he headed up the stairs, and Hermione breathed a small sigh of relief. She was still weak from laying unmoving in a bed for so many weeks that she soon lagged behind.

He reached the fourth-floor landing and must have said something, but Hermione didn't catch it. She was still on the staircase leading to the third floor and was hoping to get to the third-floor landing before the stair decided to move. She made the landing just as a loud grinding noise rose up and the stair she had been on moved. Hermione paused on the landing, catching her breath as she waited for the next staircase to come her way. She looked up to see the Headmaster frowning down at her. She scowled in return, she couldn't help it that she had trouble catching up with him.

By the time a stair did connect, Hermione was somewhat recovered and stepped onto it. She climbed at a slow and steady pace and was outright panting by the time she reached the fourth floor.

"My dear, Miss Granger, I had no idea you were so weak yet. My apologies, I should have slowed for you," Headmaster Dippet said with a frown.

Hermione waved her hand. "It's fine."

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