Chapter 15: His Witch

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A/N: Thanks to the following folks for their assistance in helping this story along: brownlark42, ladyofsilverdawn, SassenachStarbuck, and MrsBennettFrazier.

Sandra-Sempra made amazing cover art for this story. See it on my Tumblr crochetawayhpff. And let me know what you think of this chapter!

March 17, 1945

It took two weeks to gather all of the ingredients for the potion and for Granger and Tom to find the time to brew. Tom was excited and nervous about the ritual. Granger had Apparated them to a set of standing stones, and March in Scotland meant it was still very cold with a little snow on the ground yet. Tom set about preparing the circle as Granger built a fire at opposite the altar. Tom lay several cleansing charms on the circle as a whole, then he found the ley lines nearby and bound them to the stones. Considering every ritual started that way, it was rather easy. The ley lines wanted to come to the circle because this particular circle had been in use for a few thousand years.

Tom could feel the age of the place as soon as they had appeared. He felt in awe of the power that these stones had seen over the course of their lifetime. Granger had been sure to clear the ritual with the locals, and they weren't likely to be interrupted, but Tom still cast a few privacy wards and repelling charms. This ritual would leave his soul open and bared and unprotected by his body, he did not want anyone else around. It was hard enough to trust Granger to perform the ritual for him. He breathed deeply as he shook out his limbs, willing himself to relax. He trusted Granger, he'd made an Unbreakable Vow to her, she wouldn't let him down.

"Ready?" she called from inside the stones.

Tom nodded and began taking off his clothes, glad for the warmth of the fire lit at the south end of the stones.

There was an altar stone at the north end that Tom had to lie on. The diadem was already set atop it. Tom disrobed completely and laid flat on the altar stone on his back, staring up at the starry sky above. He shivered in the chilly air.

"Sorry," Granger muttered and cast a warming charm over him.

Tom nodded his thanks.

"Okay, drink the potion, then I'll start the ritual."

Granger held the potion vial to his lips, and Tom drank it down. It was cold and tasteless, it felt like slipping into a cold lake at night. Tom's eyes widened when he heard Granger begin the chant. The stars above seemed to double, then triple in number. He didn't know if it was the potion or the ritual. Part of the ritual was summoning a deity to help with the soul meld. Granger had decided on Brigid, it was the right season for her, and she was known to have a soft-spot for orphans. Tom just hoped she was right and that at least if the soul meld didn't work, he'd get what remained of his soul back. Granger was convinced that's what would happen if the ritual failed, Tom chose to believe her and not dwell on other, scarier possibilities.

Unexpectedly, Granger's chanting grew and Tom gasped, a small, brilliantly white ball of light escaped his mouth. He watched it float above him and another, smaller ball joined it. It was beautiful and fascinating and Tom was dying to sit up and see what else was going on. He could dimly hear Granger speaking. She was no longer chanting, in fact, it almost sounded as if she were speaking to someone else. Was it the goddess? Was Granger negotiating with a goddess on his behalf? He strained his ears, trying to hear more of their conversation.

Then, the conversation ended. There was a magnificent flash of light from the two small balls, what he assumed was his soul and the soul piece from the diadem. It almost blinded him, the flash was so bright and he gasped again and his soul, combined with the soul from the diadem drifted back into his mouth. Tom felt it when it lodged inside him. He felt full. Fuller than he'd ever felt. It energized him and caused gooseflesh to break out all over his skin.

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