Chapter 9: Tom is More Dangerous

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A/N: Thanks to the following folks for their assistance in helping this story along: brownlark42, ladyofsilverdawn, SassenachStarbuck, and MrsBennettFrazier.

Sandra-Sempra made amazing cover art for this story. See it on my Tumblr crochetawayhpff. And let me know what you think of this chapter!

October 13, 1944

Tom's eyes widened as Granger became engulfed in the flame from the fire crab. He snapped his eyes to see who's animal it was an narrowed them on two Hufflepuff's Herbert Smith and Albert Higgs. He took a mental note and turned his attention back to Granger who was now lying on her side, curled into herself as the flames enveloped her. Fire crabs weren't dragons, Tom felt pretty safe in casting an Aguamenti at her. He was relieved when the spell began dampening the flames.

"What happened here?" Kettleburn asked, rushing over.

"Smith and Higgs antagonized their crab and Granger is paying for it," Tom snapped as he directed the flow of water from his wand down toward her feet. He'd concentrated on getting the flames stopped near her head and vital organs first. The sickly sweet smell of burnt flesh and hair was thick in the air and Tom saw that some of the girls were crying. It was a horrific sight, Granger's clothes were melted and burned into her skin. She was letting out a low moaning keen, and her glorious hair was burned and sticking at odd ends out of her scalp. Tom took a deep breath, he'd seen worse. He wouldn't let this affect him.

His heart hammered in his chest as he gently levitated Hermione and began rushing with her to the Hospital Wing.

"Malfoy, Nott, clear the way for Riddle," Kettleburn snapped. Tom was grateful for the assistance as Abraxas and Thoros ran ahead. It was hard enough keeping Hermione level as he pushed her to the castle. He didn't need mobs of people asking what happened.

"It's going to be ok, Avens," Tom whispered as he followed his two Knights. "Madam Davies will have you patched up in no time."

"Tom," she gasped, and tried to open one eye, but her skin was sticking together. Tom's stomach rolled at the sight.

"Don't try to talk, it's okay," Tom said. "It'll be okay."

"MADAM DAVIES!" Abraxas shouted as he pushed the double doors of the castle open. The three boys sprinted up the stairs to the second floor, taking the stairs three at a time. Abraxas calling for Madam Davies the entire way.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr Malfoy?" Madam Davies snapped.

Then her eyes widened in horror as she took in Granger's condition. Tom gritted his teeth as a lump formed in his throat. Granger's had been pushed from eight stories and had survived. She could survive this too. She had to. Or Tom's future plans were all destroyed. That was the only reason Tom was upset. Or so he tried to convince himself.

"Dear Merlin above," Madam Davies breathed as she began casting diagnostic charms over Granger.

"Should I set her down somewhere?" Tom panted. The Mobilicorpus took a lot of magical energy to hold for long.

"No, not yet. Mr Malfoy, Mr Nott, cast your own Mobilicorpus to take some of the weight from Mr Riddle. It's best if I can peel her clothes off and get some healing in before laying her in a bed," Madam Davies directed. Tom didn't like the thought of Abraxas or Thoros seeing as much as Granger as they were about to, but he didn't have much of a choice, he could feel his energy flagging.

As soon as his Knights spells took hold, Tom felt the strain on his own magic lessen and he sighed in relief. He took a deep breath as Madam Davies slowly began to peel Granger's clothes off of her.

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