Chapter 12: Resignation

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A/N: Thanks to the following folks for their assistance in helping this story along: brownlark42, ladyofsilverdawn, SassenachStarbuck, and MrsBennettFrazier.

Sandra-Sempra made amazing cover art for this story. See it on my Tumblr crochetawayhpff. And let me know what you think of this chapter!

Chapter 12: Resignation

December 3, 1944

Hermione had resigned herself to living in the past. She wasn't making it back to her timeline so, she had to make the best of it. And the best way to do that, would to make sure that Tom Riddle, never became Lord Voldemort. Even if he'd already begun calling himself that to his Knights. She was sure Tom had begun gathering followers around him like a cloak on a cold winter's day. But Tom had never spoken of them to her so she couldn't be sure. In the end, it didn't matter. Hermione was convinced she could turn Tom from his path. She had to start slow, she'd seen how spooked he'd been when she discussed his Horcruxes with him a week ago. She was determined to go slower. Give him tidbits, make him interested in what she knew, keep him around until he felt he had to be around her. Until not being around her felt strange to him. She looked at the calendar above her desk, she had the rest of 1944 and six months in 1945 to make that a reality.

The first thing would be to stop avoiding him, which she had been since last week. But he'd been avoiding her too. Hermione had finally gotten a chance to speak with Minerva and had been summarily blown off. She was persona non grata with most of the school. Tom had claimed her and nobody wanted to mess with Tom. But now, Tom was ignoring her. So Hermione had to make herself unignorable.

Decision made, Hermione left her dormitory and headed for the common room. She didn't see Tom, so she went in search of him in the library. He wasn't there either. It was a long shot, but she decided to try anyway and went to look for him in the Room of Requirement. Empty.

She went back to the Slytherin common room. Could he really be hiding out from her in his own dormitory? It seemed absurd, but she was sure that's where he was. She stalked into the common room.

"Tom!" she called and pounded in on his door.

"Go away," came the growled reply.

Hermione frowned. "TOM!" she called louder, pounding harder.

The door wrenched open and Tom stood there shirtless, "I said go away, Granger."

Hermione looked confused until she saw past Tom and saw Loretta Renshaw, one of her own roommates, lounging on his bed with her shirt undone.

"I see," Hermione said icily and turned away before he could see the tears in her eyes.

Hermione heard the door slam behind her and felt her heart stutter at the sound. She flew down the long hallway to the common room. She could feel the tears begin to leak out and ran out of the common room for her quarters attached to Armando's. She needed home right now, that was as close to home as she had in this timeline. Hopefully, Armando was out.

Luckily the Headmaster's office was empty and she ran into her private quarters. She threw herself on her bed, finally letting out the sob that had been building. Stupid, she was so stupid. Why would Tom Riddle, handsome, gorgeous, powerful, dangerous Tom Riddle want someone like her? A one-time dalliance and a three month obsession did not lead to a relationship. Hermione was smarter than this, she knew she was. But it didn't stop the pain in her heart. It didn't stop the hurt. She'd finally decided to stay here. To make the most of the hand she was dealt. To help Tom. But Tom didn't want her help. He so clearly did not want her help or anything to do with her.

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