Chapter 1: Fears

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A/N: You guys, this kind of story has been put on my heart lately, as the topic is moving through America, and is very serious. Everyday, children are being abused, and considered a pain, not a blessing. If you get offended, I am terribly sorry, but this is a topic that needs to be brought up and discussed. On with the story...


Wally West shivered in bed, and listened to the sound of his father's car drive up into the garage. He knew what was coming. He had known for a long time. For a few minutes, he held his breath, hoping his father would forget he was here, just for the night. However, that wasn't the case, as his father called, "WALLACE! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!!!" Shaking, the young fifteen year old ginger haired speedster with green eyes and adorable freckles got to his feet, and rushed to the staircase. He looked in his father's left hand, and saw a bottle of beer in it. The right hand was holding the teen's latest English test. He said, "'re home." His father frowned, and asked, his voice gruff, "What's with this? A B- in English class? I thought you knew better." "Dad, I-I do. I just had a lot going on with being a he-", Wally started. His father quipped, "Stop it! I don't want to hear a single word about this superhero crap! I only let you join, because you promised to keep your grades up, you worthless imp! But now, this is uncalled for. Get down here, boy. You need a lesson right now!" Wally gulped, and stayed still. His heart began to race, not because he was a speedster, but because he knew the situation all too well. His father growled, "I told you, get down here. NOW." 

When the ginger still hadn't moved, his father ascended the staircase, and grabbed him by his hair, and pulled. Wally cried out in pain, and followed his father reluctantly, until he was at the bottom of the stairs. His father, Rudolph, pulled on the ginger, then threw him onto the floor of the living room, and cracked his knuckles. Wally closed his eyes, waiting for the impact, and it soon hit him hard in the nose. With a snap, the ginger felt his nose was broken, and blood came from it. Rudolph smirked, and threw another punch, this time at Wally's gut. He landed the shot perfectly, and Wally felt his lunch coming up. He swallowed it back down, as his head then made contact with the coffee table, and resulted in a nasty cut above his right eye. He grimaced, and felt pain everywhere. How was he going to explain this mess to Batman? To his uncle? To Robin and Artemis, and the rest of the teens on the Team? Opening his eyes, he tried to fight, but found himself restrained against the wall, with his airway closing quickly. He began to see black spots, and couldn't do much, as his superspeed wouldn't do him much good pinned against a wall. When all hope seemed lost, Rudolph released Wally, and the speedster slumped to the ground, and hit his left wrist oddly, spraining it. He gasped for air, catching it, and thanking the Speedforce for making sure he didn't die. Rudolph said, "Let this be a lesson to you, boy! NEVER think I won't do to you, what I did to your mother. Now clean this mess and yourself up. I don't want to see you down here for the rest of the night. And no dinner for you, either." Wally picked his head up wearily, and gave a weak nod.

He sat up, and watched Rudolph leave the room. He then went into the hall bathroom, and grabbed a roll of paper towels and stain remover. Wally scrubbed and scrubbed until the tips of his fingers were raw and painful, and until the stain was gone. Then he cleaned up the broken glass shards from the coffee table, and threw them away. After all of that, he finally left the living room, and returned to his own bedroom, then began to undress. Everything still ached, and as he removed his blood dripped shirts, he groaned in pain. Throwing his now soiled clothes into a pile in a basket, he slipped into his own private bathroom, and turned on the shower. Wally let the water drip down over his body, and cleanse the cuts and bruises. He washed his partially blood caked red hair, and just stood feeling everything. He soon finished, grabbed a towel, then wrapped his broken body in it, and stepped out. 

Going to the mirror, Wally applied a wrapping cloth around his midsection, to soften any bruises from getting worse. He pulled out a needle and thread, and sighing, he stitched up the cut above his eye. He knew his nose was just going to have to heal on its own, as there wasn't much he could do. As for his wrist, Wally took more of the bandaging strips, and wrapped his wrist in them, before coming into his bedroom. In his room, he pulled on a yellow t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, then looked in his closet for his hidden supply of food for such an emergency. He grabbed an energy bar and a bag of pretzels, before sitting on his bed, and eating the two items rapidly. When those were gone, he laid back on the bed, and said, "Mom, I just wish you were here. Dad hates me. He thinks I'm the reason you're gone. I-I miss you." Hearing no response, he rolled off the bed gently, and went over to the window, and looked out. He saw the stars twinkling, but even they were not as bright as usual. With a frown, the young ginger retreated to his bed, and crawled in, pulling the covers over his bruised shoulders, before closing his eyes, and letting himself fall into the pleasant land of sleep and rest.

Word Count: 947

A/N: So I know this wasn't/isn't like the other books I've written, but this topic needs to be given awareness. I will say you probably did not enjoy the chapter, but still, please help to raise awareness throughout this book, by voting or by commenting something positive. Be positive, and not negative. All negative things said will be reported (or deleted). Thank you all!

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