Chapter 15: Danger Zone -

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A/N: I am sorry to have just updated, but I had to work several days this week, and have been struggling with finding time to write! I hope you enjoy, now that I've finally gotten it done.

As it had been decided, two weeks later, Wally and Barry drove to Star City to see the young ginger's father in prison. As they drove through the city, they passed the Queen Consolidated building and many bars. Seeing those made Wally wish and hope his father never escaped. Finally, after a few hours, they drove out beyond the city to Iron Heights Prison. Parking the car, Barry and Wally entered through the visitor's entrance. As much as he knew he had to, to see why his father needed to talk to him, Wally couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach. His legs felt wobbly, for a speedster, and he could hardly walk straight. It felt odd, knowing that all of it was caused by a visit to the man who had hurt him so many times, and tried to kill him. Still, he kept going, and kept looking up at Barry to assure him he'd be safe.

After dealing with security scans, and the other assorted things needed to enter a prison, the two speedsters entered into the visitation room. A glass was set up in the middle of the room, with a table and seats around it. Walking up to the glass, Wally watched as his father calmly stepped into the room, with a guard present, wearing the dark green prison garb, as well as a set of handcuffs on his wrists. His dark hair had grown longer, and his eyes no longer looked so scary or angry, but actually quite kind. Sitting down at the same time, the father and son picked up the phones, and Rudolph was the first to speak. He said, "Wally, I know I'm probably not the person you want to see right now, but this is urgent." The ginger remarked, "You're right, Dad. I really don't. I'm done with it. I'm happy now." "And I am glad you're happy, son, but what I need to tell you, could cause damage to the city, or worse...the whole country.", Rudolph answered. "You said you'd tell me about Mom. Why I never knew her. Tell me that.", Wally said. Rudolph sighed, then said, "Yes, I guess I did say that. Son, your mother...she was killed soon after you were born. A freak accident happened where she was working, and took her, leaving me with you. After that, I began to get sick, and used the alcohol to suppress the tragic ending, but somehow, it affected me, and made me hurt you. I never intended to do that. I wasn't in control when I was drunk. And for that, I'm really sorry. I've been getting clean, and I want to make it up to you, but I think it's too late to be the father you deserve." Wally huffed, "You're right about that. But why call me now? After five months?" Rudolph leaned to the glass, and said, into the phone, "There's been talk of a massive breakout here at the prison. All the criminals are planning to escape, and go after the Justice League, which means they may find out about you too. You can use me as intel, Wallace. Trust me. They are going to use every bit of ammo they've got. I'll be here on the inside. You tell them everything. But stay hidden." Wally asked, "How can I know to trust you? You yourself tried to kill me, and you scarred me." "Please, Wally... listen to me. They're going to pull it off.", Rudolph begged. "Alright West... back to your cell. Hang up on the kid.", a guard said gruffly. Rudolph sighed again, then silently hung up the phone, leaving Wally stunned. 

After his father disappeared, he got out of the chair, and Barry asked, "What was that all about, Walls?" The ginger said, "Dad says the criminals are planning to escape...every one of them. And they're going to go after the Justice League. Barry, I don't know if I can trust him or not." Barry said, "Yeah, I'm not sure I trust him either..." Quickly, the two speedsters left Iron Heights, and retreated to Central City. When they came in the door, Iris had dinner all ready, and they sat down to eat. Several hours later, Wally climbed into bed, thinking all about his father's request and urgent message. Was it possible he was telling the truth? Wally wasn't sure. All he could do, was wonder, as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Wally stumbled out of bed, and shuffled to the kitchen. He got a bowl of cereal, and saw the note from his aunt and uncle, saying that they had gone to work early, to investigate something. Confused, he went to the TV, and switched it on, it landing on Iris' news report. Suddenly, his eyes opened widely, when the words he didn't want to believe came on: the villains and criminals at Iron Heights Prison had broken free, including his father. Wally got an ugly feeling in his gut, and quickly texted Artemis and Robin to get the others, and meet him at the Cave for an emergency meeting.

As soon as he did, he got a call on his phone from an unknown number. Pulling it up to his ear, he heard his father's voice, say, "Wallace... there isn't much time. I had to break out with the others to make them think I'm siding with them. Don't worry. I won't retreat to the alcohol. But you need to get the others to know... You need to stop these guys in their tracks. I'm just hoping that my undercover position won't be compromised. After we break off the conversation, I need you to change your number, and get a new phone. There's money in a lock box at the bank. Use it to do that, then we have to cut ties. I'll try to keep you informed, but it may be in several months at a time." "Dad, why? What? Huh?", the ginger asked, confused. Rudolph said, "Just listen to me son, please. Do this, then tell your team. Tell the League. Have them prepare. I have to go." The line was cut, and Wally practically dropped his phone. He had to tell the others. He had to warn them. Things were about to get a lot more crazy, and the visit was just the beginning. This meant war. 

A/N: And that is the end of this book. Let me know if you want a conclusion, and I'll pull one up for you. Otherwise, thank you all for reading to the end! I hope you've enjoyed this book!

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